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how to fatten up my buds the last few weeks of growing

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If you dont have any nutrient issues, nither Pk 13-14 or other potash addetive will fatten up the buds :thumbsup: they are simply meant to add more P and K to your nutrients.


The 2 best ways to faten up your crop are adding.


1. unsulfured black strap molasses from week 4 unwards - Tbls per 4ltr every watering (no need to flush at the end)

2. using a silica additive from as early as possible - 1ml per liter every watering


Hope this helps

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More light..gives the best bang for buck


or as said Boost the P+K, dont let the pots dry out, drip or constantly fed with somea silica which help cells devide faster. Ive grown with and without silica no extra weight to be had but alot faster vegging and early flowering weight forsure BTW i use 3ml of Budlink silica per liter so i go through abit i really have to work out when its best used and if i can remove at any stage. Time will tell.


We are only talking like a 5 to 10% increase, 30 to 50% increase is a load of S$&T, I can and so you should be able to get gram per watt to 1.25gpw in 1o week total grow time with just a good nute, root booster, enzymes, silica and alot of PK from week 4/5 to flush time.





and harvest at the right time too early smokes fine but weight suffers, too long weight may be there but calaxs get too big making for slightly fluffier buds with over done resin..

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