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Natural mix to rival any commercial nutes.

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This is a mix and method I use for growing in pots,it works for any type of plant.

I've used this for "all" my growing for the last few years and have always got better havest wheights than from using commercial products.

With garden vegetables we usualy end up giving stuff away because we either don't have storage room or can't eat enough to keep up.

For "certain plants" I use 50 litre containers.

Start with a fresh 50/50 mix of compost and potting mix.

Add to that one hand full of blood an bone,mix in well.

once pot is full,scoop out a hole in the center and sprinkle in one hand full of skim milk powder and a little crystal rain.

Place the plant and cover roots.

Trowl in a hand full of ROSE food fert around the surface.

Cover exposed dirt around plant stem with hay,straw or some other mulch.

Foliar feed for first few day to allow root system to get up to speed.

Feed with liquid tomato feed at intervals during complete growth period.

Every two weeks spray with an Asprin solution to combat bugs or disease.

2 asprins per ten litres,plus a tiny amount of dish washing liquid to help the solution stick to the leaves.


I've now used this mix for 3 years,I get more tomatos than my wife and I can keep up with, other veges we grow end up either twice the size or twice as many as any other method I've used,and I've been home gardening for over 30 years now.

My plants I grow indoors,,,well I only grow one at a time,and I average 1 lb of flowers from a simple 400w closet system.

With this method it's The rose food that provides flavour, an there's nothing else quite like it.


Edited by JohnC
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definitely sound like a good mix.


if fresh modern potting mix it probably already has a reasonable compost level. I can't see additional compost causing any problem but maybe more necessary when refreshing used mix.

Bit o' perlite in there for pots or ground probably wouldn't hurt either.

Skim milk powder? Calcium? I haven't heard much about people milking their plants.

I'm also about to google the action of aspirin on plants. also not something I've yet found much discussion of.


no manure? (could be in the rose food)


EDIT. forgot. Explored the possibility of using worm pee rather than a commercial liquid rose feed? Not suggesting they are equivalent but it would make it more 'natural'.

Edited by BaronS
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Just a short reply to the replies.

I didn't come up with this mix myself ,it's been around since the 60's,or so I've been told, and "yes" I did find some of the ingredients a bit strange,,,,"well very strange actualy" but I'm the sort of person that won't knock some thing until I've tried it or seen it in action myself,,so that's just what I did when I was first put on to this,,,I tried it first for growing veges and couldn't keep up with the things.

Bufo,,you can say whatever you like ,,because at the end of the day it doesn't effect me at all,,but mate,,I personaly couldn't get through life by knocking things just because I hadn't heard of them before or didn't understand them,,,,that's the sort of thinking the haters that put down herb users use as their way of dealing with people like you,,,and me.


All the best.

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:bongon: hey just stating the obvious JohnC

The skim milk powder? hmmm, just trying to think of what minerals it could offer? Calcium? a secondary mineral and from memory would come after iron at least so.... not sure what improvement it could offer realisticly

The Aspirin? well if you could explain how that works I would love to listen :bongon: otherwise happy gardening and welcome to OzStoners

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:bongon: hey just stating the obvious JohnC

The skim milk powder? hmmm, just trying to think of what minerals it could offer? Calcium? a secondary mineral and from memory would come after iron at least so.... not sure what improvement it could offer realisticly

The Aspirin? well if you could explain how that works I would love to listen :bongon: otherwise happy gardening and welcome to OzStoners



Bufo..............It stops the headaches from smoking to much.

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