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Training stems/colas

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Couple of things you could pay attention to is

* the strain, Indica or Indica style hybrids suit this style of grow better for indoors. Outdoors doesn't matter

* understanding what is going to happen with the expected stretch as the plant flowers and the expected growth rate

* trimming shoots that are facing downwards

* trimming old shade leaf off trunks that have grown and branched

* trimming spindly lower shoots

* giving potential flower sites access to light by tucking shade leaves under and away from growth tips

* using the tie down technique to pull fast growing main colas sideways/downwards to achieve uniform height and access to light

* deciding which branches will be colas and which ones NEED to be trimmed. 200 tiny colas = lots of popcorn, 60 uniform colas = easy trimming


post-11113-1259010624_thumb.jpg about 5 days into 12/12 and stretching madly these 2 plants were being re-tied daily until around day 16 of flower when they were let stretch into final flowering shape. The way the colas form and the space they need will become obvious with practise. Timing is the difference between a uniform harvest and an over/under grown one.

post-11113-1259010406_thumb.jpgHarvest, all vertical colas, no popcorn buds, lower shade leaves trimmed off weeks ago. It becomes obvious which leaves are required for flower producion and which ones can be trimmed.

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post-11113-1259013249_thumb.jpg This is why I don't have a drama trimming big lower rag leaves AFTER the plant has branched. They don't pump water. Big rag leaves form branches imo. The other big shade leaves associated with the flowering are the engine room for flower production which is why I keep those ones on. Purple colour on the stems of the rag leaves is a good indicator of which ones are being cannabilised by the plant imo. None of this is proven it's just what I reckon :D

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