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My unknown strains, help me work out what they "could" be

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Hey everyone, I'm new to this forum and I am not sure exactly if this has been posted before or if there's a specific place for this discussion but i'll go ahead anyway


I myself am new to the growing and i have a mixed bag of unknown seeds, I prob will never know what they are without getting into the genetics of my plants so perhaps I can possibly narrow down the possibilities by posting information about the plants characteristics and patterns etc...


I will have a better oportunity to document and take photos of the leaves etc tomorrow cos it's raining outside :bongon:


however to get the ball rolling, waht do you guys think, if we all look at similarities between your plants we can guess what they could possibly be or at least a region of some sort.


I myself have just looked at my 2 largest plants, although they seem to look like the same strain I have noticed that the leaves on one plant are more elongated and the fan angle is shorter than the other plant which leaves' are slightly shorter and the fan is a wider angle, I had topped the plants at an earlier stage which i kind of regret cos i think they look beautiful and want to see them in their full glory ;) however if i had not topped them they would be in excess of 5-6 feet tall and drawn a little attention...lucky for me my plants are next to other shrubs with a similar leaf profile (kind of like a maple)


when i have some time I will document the leaf shapes, measurements, node distance, all that sort of stuff, Everything i think is important


If this kicks off well...I reckon you guys and gals should document your plants of unknown origins, perhaps make some kind of database


Thoughts are more than welcome.

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IMHO such attempts to identify 'strain' are, basically, silly. You, like me, have 'bagseed'.


Even if the look of the plant, the growth cycle, the flowering time, yada, yada, yada are close to that of some 'strain' you may have an F1/2 hybrid of two parents completely unrelated to the strain.


Genetics is 'like that'. There is a theory that there is a 'doppleganger' (or near exact duplicate) of every person on the planet, someone who looks near enough exactly like you. The theory does not rely on any such similarity between your parents and theirs, it's simply a coincedence in genetics that you got (for example) Mum's brown hair and Dad's blue eyes, your doppleganger inherited his blue eyes from Mum and the brown hair from Dad.


Also, some 'strains' are really nothing more than unstable hybrids, Such 'strains' exist because it has been proven something along the lines 'most of the seeds from this cross have these characteristics'. Some people don't recognise such as 'strains'.


Hopefully the beans give you a good result. If they do you can enter the 'genetic market' and through certain techniques force a _true_ female to acquire balls (don't ask me to explain such, it is beyond my level of knowledge), or cross it with a respectable male. There's then 'standard engineering' to create a true strain out of the result but it takes many plants and much effort to get to something you actually can call a stable strain.

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crossing ain't difficult, all you need is a male with one characteristic and a female with another, it is expected that at least some of the progeny carry both traits. If the parents are decent stock the hybrids can be very vigorous growers.


But it quickly builds into a numbers game, you want to raise a couple of maybe dissimilar F1s, of each sex, and maybe keep the parents running so you can backbreed, and we then talk about several in the next generation, and OK what if I cross this rather interesting thing with a different strain... and the story continues.


Great fun if you have the time, space and interest.

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