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All Done With Mirrors....

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This idea of 'penetration' interests me, and I have read much discussion. Nowhere in any such discussion has anyone suggested how HID produces 'strong' photons, vs CFL's 'weak' photons. Anyone that can show me _any_ science about strong vs weak photons will earn my undying respect.


What is it that the flouro lovers don't understand? What don't you guys understand about lux levels and luminous intensity? Constructive and educational? pffft, misguided and thick would be a better observation.

Ignorance is bliss :D

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I also came up with an answer to what BaronS asked, after googling for 10 minutes. But i'm now inclined to leave the CFL growers to it, due to that fact their not prepared to listen to reason. It seem they've got the same approach as what I had when I was pissing around with fluro's. We/They become too enthralled in the economics of it all, and anything logical gets brushed aside because we/they witness minimal growth under this poor lighting.


It took me a couple of years to come around to the fact, that it's near impossible to surpass the results of MH/HPS light/s considering where we stand with modern lighting technology. I tend to think this is a case to let them plod along with these low cost grows for as long as it takes, for them to come around and make the harsh realisation for themselves.


But then again, if your happy with growing 1/2 an ounce per plant because it's cheap and your content with that, so be it. If you want to grow a plant to the best of it's abilty indoors. Look beyond Fluro's/CFL's/LED's...

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That's a very diplomatic post Indy and good to see so many experienced growers chiming in throughout this thread, along with the noobs.


While we're here at it, that post I put together took me quite a while and a great deal of thought to try and moderate the discussion you arrogant fuckin seahippie mo-fo but your head is too far up your own arse to see that.

When your flouro-powered-twin-mirrored grow room can pump out buds like this at 400 watts THEN you can bleat about your fuckin flouros as loud as you like, but until then, your just another noob with big ideas and no mileage :D



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what is all this crap about an experiment .. where is it and what is it? ... fact is there is no experiment .. is there seahippie?


never mind, there are many many years of collective experience available here which is freely available for you to learn from seahippie, doesnt matter if youre a complete fuckwit you can still learn from ppl who have been in this game for many, many years ...


shine on you crazy fluro :D

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flouros are great.. they will grow weed.. and ive seen some decent looking buds under a flouro.. but if your serious about growing.. flouros are really for noobs.. the real growers use HID's..


WHY use a HID.... mmmm let me see..




theres even thing between growers that use 400's and 600's and 1000's.. simple fact.. the bigger the light.. the bigger the buds... that was just under a 600HPS>. imagine how big it would have been under a 1000HPS...


you go hard with ya flouros and LED's.. and when you can show me something that almost resembles that.. ill listen...

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That's a very diplomatic post Indy and good to see so many experienced growers chiming in throughout this thread, along with the noobs.


While we're here at it, that post I put together took me quite a while and a great deal of thought to try and moderate the discussion you arrogant fuckin seahippie mo-fo but your head is too far up your own arse to see that.

When your flouro-powered-twin-mirrored grow room can pump out buds like this at 400 watts THEN you can bleat about your fuckin flouros as loud as you like, but until then, your just another noob with big ideas and no mileage :D




Those buds are shit bufo, I've grown better with my dynamo powered torch. :)

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