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All Done With Mirrors....

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Don't you mean ($36 per month x 12) $432 per year? sorry to be a smart arse. Not much really when you consider what that would produce.


It probably was. The funny thing was I borrowed it because our power bill seems to be getting bigger (notwithstanding recent price increases). After ruling out the obvious.....went to other appliances....washing machine...etc...and after 3 days of checking things we came to the conclusion that we were fucking kidding ourselves......there was not a great deal we could do with reducing our bill so just pay and whinge about how dear it is. Oh I guess there was one good outcome........now whenever I whinge to my old man about it and he points to the obvious I now have evidence to the contrary.....



And baron it was calculated @0.225c per kilowatt hour (or whatever). All I know is I put in the highest possibly amount I'll pay for electricity....(we get X amount at Z Rate and once over X amount go to....u get my drift). Rather then throw numbers out there i should have just said got to Dick Smith or Jaycar and buy one of these things....there about $30-80..and see for yourself.

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Seahippie wrote:


"But very simply when we look at the photos on this post (this works differently with HID) you can se only 1 fluro without the mirror, and with the mirror - multiple sources - multiple light sources = more light than 1 source - this is not rocket science



you're a fuckwit.


looking forward to the results tho

Edited by bullseye
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Here is a display from a hero behind a keyboard safe at home -My friend you'd shit if he came face to face with myself - Insults are for cowards hero - save em for your missus


Lmao, you fuckin' hero you. It's becoming more evident your parents didn't do society any favours at birth. :peace:


Spare us your hero shit, ya bloody dropkick.. :peace:

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While your waiting for your super CFL reflector to show us all how its done I have another grow method using mirrors for you to try...


Take a large mirror (at least 500x500mm), lay it on a hard flat surface and carefully stand in the centre of it.

Get a hold of whichever plant you are using to test and hold it upside down over your head and hey presto...

That sun shining out of your ass should do the rest :peace:


But seriously, I have let you know what I think of your attitude and "knowledge" so I'm not going to waste anymore time on it, suffice to say, if you cant take good advice from those who have tried it before then dont expect many to give good advice when you do want it.

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time for "the missus" to speak.




maybe if you actually spent some time talking to the people in and around the forums, instead of just insulting everybody and speaking to us like we are morons, people might be a little more understanding of your views and opinions. But going around editing what people say and butting in with your own self obsessed view along the way does nothing but make you look like a tosser.

I wish you well in your attempts I really do, and for the sake of the experiment I hope it yields some results, maybe enough for you to see that, well yes it may not have been as successful as a grow with hid's, but yay i get points for trying and I wasn't a complete arsehole to everyone I came across that raised questions about ur chances.


and as for your comments to Pure, I can assure you if anyone would be doing any insulting towards me it would be you SeaHippies.


I haven't done a grow of any kind on my own so far. But I been about the place and gotten to know people well enuf to see the sense in the doubts about the whole mirror fiasco. You've gotten on the defensive now because people have knocked ur idea. and while you may think you are contributing intelligent information in this topic and you think u look fairly smart, the truth it comes off as smartarse. That shit is never tolerated for very long.


anyway... good luck.. and try not to attack everyone who has an opinion, other wise u'll start threads and have 0 replies, and well then what's the point ey.


:peace: Pebbz :peace:

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I'm like with chron & baked


Chronmasta ..............plant rooter.............& GR specialist..........I think its in Jeorge Cervantes book 'Indoor Marijuana Horticulture' where it says you lose a certain percentage of lumens due to the light having to pass through the glass b4 hitting the reflective surface then back through on the rebound scratchchin.gif

hope that makes sense unsure.gif .... way bent atm :peace:


What I'd like to know is what is your aim with this?


Saw Mongy say something ...... wonder if it the historical sence where if it was availiable for yur aime2 before why has not a st4oner or 200,000 done it. so what is your aim ?


Whats mongy bring up - lets see !


MongyMan .... peace.gif C'mon people. No need to turn it into an insult slinging match

Onya mongy !

may be i shoud read the whole post but when


Pebbz ...time for "the missus" to speak.
- :peace:


Crunchy ....wow, things really kicked off in here...peace and love braddahs


Mony says "settle " & MM might think and treat people & ideas with respect? Put any questions so


SeaHiPPieS .............So here's some pix so y'all can have a look


Get back to us and try again - there is an uploads guide somewhere


Couldn't find an aim ? Point it out with pic's Get back to us


:peace: SeaHiPPieS

"you never really know until you try for yourself" and you meld things to achieve something - but what?



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