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Hey Guys,


So I wrote a 1000+ word letter to Mr Rudd a couple of days ago regarding the correlation between the War on Drugs and Environmental Sustainability/Climate Change Action, and I was wondering whether anyone who has previously written to the PM would be able to give me an idea of the quality of his response, the time he took to make it, his attitude, or even if he bothered to respond.



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You've gotta hand it to him though, he's a pretty smooth operator. He's intelligent, and knows how to play politics. However, because of this, he is power hungry, and the government is becoming a lot more centralist under his leadership, in fact, it's probably the most centralist it's ever been.


I delved into the issues pretty deeply and requested that he take some time to think about what I had written, so that he may give some proper thought towards his response, instead of rattling of the party stance 2 minutes after reading.


He wrote a few essays for us to read a few months back, it's about time he reads ours.


I agree his attitudes are fairly similar to Johnny, he definitely falls under the category of center-left.


He's a pretty busy man as well, so I doubt I'll be getting a reply anytime soon, maybe mid-next year in the mail or something.


I'm not sure if I should publish my letter here either..I'd love to share it and see what you guys think, but I'm slightly paranoid about the government linking my details I had to provide with the letter to my online profile...I have no doubt that boards like these are monitored :)

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well i written to him a couple times both times it was answered by someone else saying something like,

'The points you raised will be passed on to Kev and also the Minister responsible for these matters that you raised .. Kev is very mindful of your situation / views' .. blah blah etc, and topped up with professional spin :peace:


hope you get something better in return


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When I sent a letter all I got in return was some pre-written bullshit from the crime department, even though my letter was regarding medical marijuana, that didn't actually answer any of my questions.


I don't think Rudd ever replies to letters. By that I mean no PM's do, unless it's from a prominent/well-known person (who is giving them 'funding') in which case the secretary will forward the letter on to them, otherwise they pass it off to some other department who brings up a pre-written letter, prints it off and mails it to you.

I was reading a thing about how to write letters recently, it was for the Internet Filter thing but it applies to Cannabis too. Basically you bring up more than one point in a letter, that way it takes them longer to respond because they have to answer about more than one thing, which requires more work than just bringing up a single pre-written response.


For example a letter starting off about Cannabis could also include the medical side, freedom side, law enforcement issues (inability to enforce the laws, costs etc.) environmental factors of the issue such as hemp uses, which leads you on to global warming and end with a speech about corruption. The secretary will have to send the letter to various departments who will all have to answer their part of the letter. If more people do this, it takes up more of their time because they have to answer a certain percentage of letters from constituents.

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Yeh thanks Lucid, I wrote about quite a few things so there's no way one of his robotic secretaries can respond with pre-written, pre-formatted bullshit. In the letter I specifically asked for him and him only to reply, and that my vote was riding on it. If they send me automated crap I'll just resend, and resend, and resend.
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I think everyone on here who is an Aussie should write him a letter.


Flood his mailbox.


If every member wrote an email or a handwritten letter, fax or called im sure it would get headlines.


I'd say do it all on one day such as 4/20 at an arranged time and literally flood the office with LEGALISE it.


Sort of like an anonymous pre arranged operation, and it would guaranteed to make headlines in the news.



I'll make a topic with a poll if people are interested in this idea as usually these sort of things get headlines.

Anonymous calls them 'raids' and they attact alot of attention.

Edited by crank
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