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Dad's dope would have lasted 2 years

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A father of two has been jailed for six months for cultivating cannabis at home using sophisticated equipment, including an ozone generator.


Humpty Doo resident Dwight Anthony Brieffies, 42, was caught with 6.085kg of cannabis and four plants in a concealed grow room.


He told the Supreme Court the drug was for personal use _ even though he admitted it would have taken him two years to smoke his crop.


Brieffies, who was convicted of a similar offence a year ago, said he used cannabis because he had trouble sleeping after separating from his wife.


Police raided Brieffies' home in February this year and discovered the 6kg stash of cannabis and two elaborate grow rooms.


The rooms contained airconditioners, artificial lighting equipment, grow tubs, electrical transformers and timing devices.


The climate of one of the rooms was modified using carbon dioxide and an ozone generator.


The cannabis plants in one grow room had grown so big they ``almost filled the room''.


Brieffies said the plants were so successful in providing for his needs, it was his intention to disassemble the grow rooms _ and this, he said, was what he was doing when police arrived.


Justice Trevor Riley accepted the cultivation and possession of cannabis was for personal use.


But the judge expressed concern Brieffies should cultivate illegal substances at his home _ where his daughters, 10 and 13, spent weekends.


``I am prepared to accept, generally speaking, that you are a good father, but I have some difficulty with the fact you would undertake this activity in the presence of your daughters,'' he said.


Brieffies was jailed for six months, but will only have to spend 28 days behind bars with the rest of the sentence suspended for 12 months.


Northern Territory News

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Guest weekprik

shit thats just like me, but my 7 and 9 yr olds live here,

they think im growing tomatoes, so i had to buy some tomatoe plants so they can take the tomatoes for show and tell, sure dont want em taking leaves of mj for show and tell eh?

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Guest weekprik
if i locked it up my kids would know something is up, I dont hide it from them as they know its there, and what could be worst than a 9 yr old going oh my dad grows tomatoes inside, but he locks the closet so i cant see them growing?????
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I'd break it to them one day, rather than them learning by themselves. Kids love to brag. And they may know more that you credit them with, kids are getting smarter and smarter nowadays. Of course, I'm only offering MHO. :o The less we try to hide something, the less interested the outside world becomes in it.... :P


Oh, and how well do the tomatoes go, don't they have an opposing photoperiod? :huh:

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I lived in Darwin for nearly 10 years, it's good to see the old NT News going strong, I'll bet they miss the wisdom of WC Feelz at times like this... My pot related publishings from the NT News

Humpty Doo hey, well I wonder if he had anything to do with the rather large (worldwide) Motorcycle Club up there. I mean, who's ever heard of the big Red Machine bieng into growing weed, probably not...

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