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Study: Marijuana Eases Traumatic Memories

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Scientists have known for years that the brain makes substances almost identical to the

active ingredient in marijuana, but the function of these "cannabinoids" remained

mysterious. Researchers now say they help to extinguish traumatic memories. "In

certain situations, being able to forget is very important for emotional survival,"

said George Kunos, a neurobiologist at the National Institutes of Health.



Pot Blocks Painful Memories, Study Says

Dr. Lutz's study will only add to the argument in favour of decriminalization. But it

is also a landmark in medical terms because it deals with one of the central survival

mechanisms of the vertebrate brain: the ability to spot danger and flee from it.

Scientists have long understood that the brain can reprogram itself not to flee if the

danger goes away. That is called extinction of a memory. But scientists have not

understood how it happens. Dr. Lutz's research shows that the answer lies in the

body's store of cannabinoids, or cannabis-like natural chemicals, produced whenever the

body needs them. The brain has a receptor for these cannabis-like chemicals and can use

them to help reprogram the response to a fear. A problem is that the fear reaction can

stick around when no longer needed. That can lead to panic attacks or paralyzing

irrational fear. Dr. Lutz said his finding could mean that a person in the grip of

trauma might be able to summon up the terrible memory, with the help of a

psychotherapist, then smoke marijuana to enhance the ability of the brain to extinguish

the memory. He said that smoking is by far the most efficient way of getting the

substance to the brain, although researchers are looking at an aerosol to administer it

straight to the lungs.






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He said that smoking is by far the most efficient way of getting the substance to the

brain, although researchers are looking at an aerosol to administer it straight to the


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Guest Field_of_Light
TBoat u need to get all these links to the morons in the aussie parliament! As i heard one the other day state there is no scientific basis for medical use of mj.........
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In the Netherlands it's an officially aproved medicine, after years of studies by the government. The political leaders here didn't like to get it on the list of medicines that are payd for by our medical insurance anymore than the Aussie ones I guess but they couldn't denie the pure facts. Our past and resent history knows too many politicians that have been sacked for lieing or keeping information from the puplic. That's NOT DONE here and will costs a politician his/her political career if it's found out. So now we get our MJ payd for by our insurance company when we have a doctors prescription. :o


The Aussie "morons" as you call them get away with everything they want I have been noticing, they can talk nonsense without being sacked. :huh:, I'm sure the Dutch politicians would love this but they have to play by OUR rules here. ::P: ...or they get sacked! Simple as that.

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