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repotting help

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Hey guys im goning to repot my plant soon into a pot the same size as its in now (A big one 50cm wide by 45cm deep) i am repoting cos the soil it is in now is so shit its not funny now the roots have managed to spread almost all the way to the side of the pot on the top lv of soil and i think it might not be growin down mabey cos the soil is a bit compact the plants only bout 20 - 25 cm tall but i dont know.

im just wondering how should i do this?

i as thinking getting a shovel push it down the side as far as a can and just lever up all the soil and plant, but then how should i pot in again? will it be bad if i just put all the roots into the potting hole cos there wouldnt be much soil between the roots as i feel the soil its in now is just gonna fall apart when i pull this plant up.

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Ok i finnaly got some soil 2day i got peats organic mix 66litres i put into my pot.

now its very droopy and weak looking i was wondering if this is normal? also i just got all the rootsd and pot them in a hold when i repoted is this bad? just wondering cos it was all spred out when i pulled here up.

also how long till she gets a grip into the soil again cos shes abit wobbly b4 in the old pot she was in rock solid.

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Ok tyx guys.

I know shes gonna love this soil she was in shit soil that had sat out in pots for bout 2 years after the vegi plants that where in there died i only used it cos it was all i had but i finnaly got some good soil.


How long till she grips on to the soil so shes not so wobbly?

Edited by reddevil6
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