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How to work out how many litres of soil in my pot?

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At the risk of sounding like an old fart, you lot were supposed to learn this shit at school for fuck sake


area = pi(3.14) x radius squared OR if the pot is square area = length x width

area x height = cubic volume

1000 cubic centimeters = 1 litre of water


There, you have the information, I'm not working doing the sums for you as well, get off your arse and work it out yourself. You's can thank me by ensuring any children your responsible for in life don't turn out the same lol

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round pot, 50cm (diameter, 25cm R) and maybe a bit tapered, call it straight.




litre? 10*10*10cm? 1000cm^3


58 litres?


If you wanted to account for the taper you could use the average R for the depth, which is also the R at half depth if it has straight sides.


EDIT: Sorry Bufo, did the sums while you were typing. Yep, should have left it alone :-)

Edited by BaronS
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