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genetically modified cannabis

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Guest Babybear
Man this is some triped out posts Now on that dna thing What if ppl fucked up or perpusely changed somethin then you would end up with a virus that wouldinfoact kill you. That would suck Im startin to see few GM labled food now days to , They popping out everywhere :D
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some good info there Mr Putard.

It seems scarey that there isnt any real policing as far as DNA research goes, jump on the computer and download DNA code..wow. Imagine some twisted mad scientist/grower in his backyard lad doin some experimenting and coming out with a mutant plant that every1 wants a piece of, not knowing the future side effects.

Cross breeding plants is not manipulating DNA code so im all for it.


Look at what todays "tomatoes" have done. Old people have become short tempered, 12 yr old girls have huge tits and Russell Crowe thinks he can sing. Its getting crazy.


I say, don't fuck with nature, but its human instinct to push the envelope further and no-one is going to stop scientific-progress.

Recently and ( more rapidly) they are finding materials found in nature (coral mucus, chemicals released from animals) that combat the little nasties we have come across/ created.

Its all ying & yang, everything is balanced so why fuck around with the 'blueprint of any entity' ( if that makes any sense).

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Nice avatar Lokm8.... gene manipulation - hmm, that's a minefield eh?

Why manipulate gene structres, merge dna, etc? Because we can.

It's a pretty amazing thing in the world of theory, but the real world applications can be scary. In one respect it could end up like the sea monkey people on South Park, but it could also lead to things like pollinless crossing of strains. I think maybe gene amalgamation within the same species may be of worth in regards to food production. With the earth in the state it's in, and still growing, nature has no fuckin hope of keeping up with the number of hungry mouths on the planet.


With pot, wouldn't it be just streamlining the process? We already cross gene pools and hope for the traits we're after to be dominant in the offspring. Zygotes aside, I would like to see some experiments in combining the genes from differents strains, selecting only the traits we want. Purely in the interests of seeing what we could achieve. Anyone who has put a plant into 12/12 has already messed with nature.

What scares me is when a gene from a peanut is added to a dope plant for some growth trait, and a person who is allergic to peanuts has an allergic reaction to the pot harvested from that plant.

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What if ppl fucked up or perpusely changed somethin then you would end up with a virus that wouldinfoact kill you



I'm not sure but i think most viruses can't survive outside the body for extended periods of time and they certainly can't take 200 degrees C or hotter so only eating it maybe harmful (depending on the cooking conditions). A more likely scenario would be to hijack the plant into metabolising a compound that is lethal if smoked or eaten.


Another Questionable action might be to clone the human endogenous compound for the cannabinoid receptor and research it's effects at various doses.

Edited by syk613
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human stupidity, ok lets call it curiosity, is alive 'n' kickin. We learn by your own mistakes right. :D


We all remember MAD-COW disease, and how that come about.

We all remember the SARS virus and how that came about.

Lets not forget the leading byproduct of our own curiosity which has led to much misery and pain and no known cure ..........HIV / AIDS.


( I think) you can have airborne viruses that can float around for awhile without a host, but not sure how long they would survive..im thinking , like a tick needs a host asap. I believe SARS was one of these nasties, and to this day they are not sure how it spreads.


Ive got a quick question to anyone that might know.

Im interested how growers have created strains that actually smell/taste like fruits or vegies or even licorice. I mean did these plants just grow among other plants and take on their traits or what? ( strawberry a fruit?)

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yeah thats right there are lots of airborne viruses that are deadly but if it was in a bud it would be easier to lace it with something GE mj would either hijack the plant to produce a virus or somehow (not likely) get a piece of DNA into a cell were it can multiply and produce a virus. But the protein coated DNA would not be viable if it was heated to 200C it just is not a reasonable worry about GE mj as it would be very difficult for evolution or mutations to produce changes that would form a virus DNA code UNLESS the GE modifications were based on some sort of vius vector plausible but maybe not possible
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the only reason why GM goods are being produced is to save money..if u get a fish to grow 10x its normal speed u will have 10x the amount of fish as well as 10x the pofits...GM pot is already on its way here, selective breeding changes genes over time to make some plants mould resistant, some disease resistant, etc...all its gonna take is some smart ass to put all these charactistics into a single plant and there would be an unstoppable mj plant :D...


personally im pro GM stuff but am cautious...i dont know much about the technology behind GM foods, etc but from what i read its some freaky shit...the thing that mainly concerns me over GM products is the sale of ORGANIC food...the prices are 5x of normal product cause it has organic written on the package and if any1 has seen the 6th day u might remember a scene where there was signs all over the place about real wheat, etc...i dont wanna be stuck in a world where all our food is fake unless it tastes the same, has the same nutitional benefits and is cheaper than the organics...

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A procedure used to intro. a gene into a plant or plant transgenics:


A disc is cut out of a leaf and incubated in a media that contains the gene of interest and a genetic vehicle (ie a plasmid) that is programmed to intro the new gene into the host plant (or leaf disc in this case) and through a number of other steps, like selection of the new shoots that contain the new gene and not allowing any other growth through manipulation of the vectors DNA. :o :D

This would intro. a new gene or series of genes that would produce a new stable trait in the plant hopefully but I am not sure whether it is inheritable but I don't see my not given the right conditions. Sorry I have no ref for this info but it is all easy to access as it is all in scientific journals

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