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shooting powder week 1 flower

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gday, was wondering if anyones tried shooting powder fromH&G in first week flower.?

reason being is i fucked up my mix (put it in the wrong tank) prob shouldnt have had the toke first.

anyway turns out it seemed to initiate flowering a lot earlier than usual.still i gave it a good flush and went back to usual mix after barrel finished.

do u reckon i've hit on something here as it dont say to do it on there packets.

good site have always been a bit dubious about this shit on the web,finally decided to join.

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House and garden shooting powder, i thought you were only meant to use it on the lat 3-4 weeks :S :unsure:


House & Garden Shooting Powder


The secret of every successful grower is Shooting Powder. This sparkling Bud Expander is the absolute best in the field of flowering stimulators. It gives visible results, can be combined with all base nutrients, is packed in handy sachet, simple to use, and has been extensively tested in House & Garden's research and development center. It has moreover earned our customers' complete satsfaction. Try it once and you will come back for more.


This flowering booster starts a new flowering cycle after the regular flowering phase, significantly increasing the fruit's weight. The extra yield after applying this nutrient additive with surprise you. It actually creates a new layer of top of the existing fruit. Output increases of over 20% can be reached this way.


i havent used any as yet will be doing it next run wen i get things sorted out propperly :unsure: it may have some use but i thought that the point of it was to induce a second flower cycle of sorts making the buds pack on a new layer so to speak.

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i have heard that many finishing products can be used during the first week of flower


myself i use bloom final and canna pk 13/14 with my normal coco nutrient on third day of flower just to give my girls an early boost

i dont like pgr's and anything that slows upwards growth as they seem 2 thrash the plant and in some cases destroy the cells in the stems therefor the plant has trouble making crystals

Edited by weedfiend
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i agree PGRs suck bigtime,why fuck up the taste,quality and yr future health. y do they put ónly for ornamentals' on the bottles if its cool to smoke-bunch of moneygrabbing bastards no ethics.


i lived in holland b4 oz and price reflects quality-no pgr's there.


pk13-14 in first weeks,i prefer top booster cos its got added iron (fe) so leaves stay healthier during critical strech phase.


might play with the shooting powder dosing rates c wot else we can discover

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