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bud rite nutes or dutchmaster advanced for flowering?

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as the topic says i have halve full bottles of both bud rite and dutch master advanced flowering formula i was looking for you opinions on what yous recommend i use.


also if the one i end up using runs out is it ok to change to the other? wont shock the plants or anything? cos i dont realy want to go spend $75 - $100 on new new bottles no it will be dobble that cos i have to get both bottles part A and B so $150 - $200.

Edited by reddevil6
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as the topic says i have halve full bottles of both big bud and dutch master advanced flowering formula i was looking for you opinions on what yous recommend i use.


By 'big bud' I assume you mean 'Dr Hornby's Big Bud'?

That is a bloom booster not a flowering nutrient (used with a nutrient)

Dutch master is ok, not the best around but it does the job.


also if the one i end up using runs out is it ok to change to the other? wont shock the plants or anything? cos i dont realy want to go spend $75 - $100 on new new bottles no it will be dobble that cos i have to get both bottles part A and B so $150 - $200.


For that price I hope you mean 5lt bottles not 1lt? when you buy a two part nutrient you get both A and B for your money (and $85 or so for a 5lt set of DM sounds about right).



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Ok my bad its bud rite not big bud heres a link to a site selling it (took me 30 min to find it :yinyang:)


My bottles have a different label its a pic of a sunflower not a bud but this is deffently the same stuff. it was brought a few years ago so no surprise they changed there label


And yer i was talking bout 5 liter bottles wasnt aware u could get 1 liter bottles. and u get both part A and B for bout $85 ok all i knew is when i asked dad how much he payed for em i thourt he ment per bottle as i didnt buy any of my ferts dad just has shit loads of diffrent stuff left over from when he stoped growing few years ago hydro :gathering: i asked him why he stoped awhile ago abd he says cos u would have stole it from me :thumbsup: he stoped when i was 14 and back then i probably would have, i deffently wouldnt now im older and know better 18 now but he doesnt want to grow again like he ust to but he was kind enough to let me grow a outdoor plant this season.

Edited by reddevil6
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