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Withdrawal sweating

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I've had the same experiences as Herbert1. I gave up cold as after smoking shit loads of hydro red devil in the mid 90's. Fuck I couldn't sleep properly for weeks AND the dreams...vivid dreams of fucking mayhem & murder scenes. It did my head in trying to think where all this bullshit was coming from!!! Aside from the dreaming I suffered no other symptoms but my wife was thinking there might be a little Ivan milat lurking in my head somewhere!!! :stunned:
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We propose that the cannabis withdrawal syndrome is reliable, valid, and clinically important and should be included in the next revision of DSM http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/161/11/1967#SEC2

Thanks for that. Interesting reading. It is a review of the literature and it seems cannabis can cause some withdrawal symptoms. Personally I only experienced the sleep and dream symptoms. Cannabis takes me a day or two to get over it compared to months to get over nicotine.


As for sweating this symptom appeared in only one study. Here is what they conclude:

Regarding cross-study reliability, the most consistently reported symptoms are anxiety, decreased appetite/weight loss, irritability, restlessness, sleep problems, and strange dreams (Table 1). These symptoms were associated with abstinence in at least 70% of the studies in which they were measured. Other clinically important symptoms such as anger/aggression, physical discomfort (usually stomach related), depressed mood, increased craving for marijuana, and increased sweating and shakiness occurred less consistently. These latter symptoms might be less reliable across studies because of methodological and measurement variability; they might occur only in more severe cases or with higher dosing schedules, or they might reflect individual variation in symptom expression or unique characteristics of the study samples. In summary, several cannabis withdrawal symptoms possess within-subject, interrater, and across-study reliability.


Anyway looks like cannabis withdrawal sweating is possible, just not something I've experienced. :scratchin:

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I've had the same experiences as Herbert1. I gave up cold as after smoking shit loads of hydro red devil in the mid 90's. Fuck I couldn't sleep properly for weeks AND the dreams...vivid dreams of fucking mayhem & murder scenes. It did my head in trying to think where all this bullshit was coming from!!! Aside from the dreaming I suffered no other symptoms but my wife was thinking there might be a little Ivan milat lurking in my head somewhere!!! :stunned:


wow you hit the hammer on the nail there mate ... i was wondering wtf was goin on with me :scratchin:


i can say that is EXACTLY what ive been having for the past 3 days now - no weed for about a week, and i usually smoke anywhere from 5-10 cones a day. :bongon:


the cold sweats and crazy dreams ... god damn yeah that was some wierd shit (from my own experiance i would not recomended to watch the Blade trilogy in one night :P)


dont worry mate your not alone :D

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yea i get the coldsweats.only after ive been smokin alot everyday and suddenly just stop.its just a withdrawl thats all it is.i get the dreams too..its abit uncomfortable for the first few days but after that its all g..


not everyone is the same,some people can go without weed and still sleep fine.its all in the head when your stressing out for it.i guess its from the stress u put on your body and mind you start to sweat.


sleeping without bud is my only problem but once i get over the 3 day bump..the sleeping problem goes away.

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