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Withdrawal sweating

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My experience with tobacco and pot have been the complete opposite to yours. Strange?


If you have "treated your girlfriend like garbage" maybe you should take responsibility for your own actions rather than blame the lack of pot (or anything else). This is laughable.


I have not touched heroin myself but have known others that have been addicted. To compare cannabis to heroin is insulting and ridiculous



It doesnt seem strange at all, you seem like a complete fuckwit so I'm not surprised our views differ lol

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Wow its been long and this science ends with someone abusing someone else man we are all stoners come on settle pettle!!!

Marijuana has nothing to do with heroin!!!! I think you are just bad natured and have a angry head on ya! Just chill and have fun everything is all good and everything is ok put a smile on that dile :yahoo:...


I think the sweats are coming from my intense dreaming the R.E.M state is giving me a hardcore workout. I feel the dreams are having a effect on the brain making it do alot of physical work repairing me and it might be causing the sweat but I'm not 100% sure....

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i definately get night sweats when i dont smoke..it only usually happens when i dont unless i have some other ailment at the time.. i do believe its from not smoking, anything your body normally has is gonna cause a reaction if it doesnt have it, especially 5g a day, fuck thats a lot.. thats like 1/2 oz every 3 days. im surprised thats the only symptom you had..crankiness is common...B)


having said that, i feel it worth pointing out that i have tobacco in my mull. as i used to smoke cigis i always have used spin. probly why it was so easy to give up...:). i was still getting the nicotine hit.


i will smoke if out and drinking then have no hassles not having another once i get back to my billies, so what im saying is as some1 pointed out before that its most likely the nicotine that cuases the sweating. thats my opinion anyway, the weeds more of a mental addiction whereas the nicotine is more physical thus the physical symtoms.. if it wasnt for the nicotine i think id just be irritable without pot..

i dunno maybe every1 else thats wieghed in on this topic should say if they use spin or not..it might help paint a clearer picture..


finally i must say, for me personally this no dream stuff doesnt happen.. ive smoked roughly 2g a day for nearly 20 years and i have always dreamt.. i have no trouble remembering them and i dream quite clearly, not hazy at all but very vivid.. i am not saying that REM is not the case for most people i cant speak for them, but its not for me i always dream.

its probly completely stupid and not connected but unlike most people i am ambidextrous, maybe thats got somethin to do with it. i doubt it but its the only immeadiate difference i have to most people other than that i shit and it stinks like all y`all...:/..

perhaps theres some kinda extra brain activity in ambidextrous folks.. not saying it makes you smarter or anything, you dont have to be a genius to be able to swap hands and not miss a stroke..:/.. but maybe theres something extra.. i have read up on REM and i accept its validity, but its just not how it is for me.. who knows maybe my imagination is just a hard worker...:(


peace and cheers B)

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If had to take breaks numerous times due to just not being able to get some!

I find for 3 days after, is my period of wanting to smoke, sometimes night sweats and vivid dreams.

Then its all good. yes is most prob a mental thing where its like changing habits and getting out of ya comfort zone.

But my main problem is after I get back into living like the rest of the rat race is I feel Im way more Susceptible to propaganda advertisment, greed and wanting of everything I dont and could have!! Like aww if I wasnt so lazy I could of got that chick or had more chances with girls or worked more shifts or gotten a better job if I stayed Hungry, Greedy and totally driven like I kinda am when not smoking I could have a better life!


But SERIOUSLY wants wrong with loving a snail pace life! A smoke, good friends and good food is all i need when Im smoking! And I want for nothing~!! I wouldnt mind a girlfriend tho haha! yea im kinda off topic on a rant here! sorry just had to get it out apparently!



btw im out atm. holla at me if u r near penrith! nsw

we could share a steak and cheese subway sandwich!


And VIVID DREAMS ARE AWESOME. have a cuppa tea with 2 sugars before u crash and it helps da dreamin! Some of my dreams after I wake hit me like and awesome song. its like whoa I made decisions in that 1? didnt I?

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I'm putting myself up for One of Australia's biggest Marijuana Activist and I need help.

I got busted for approx 2grams and the police want me to go to 2 hours Rehab on Thursday 26August at http://www.chermsidemedicalcentre.com.au/


I would like to produce a document stating the facts about marijuana so they cannot spew forth

their Government grown Propaganda and I can re-educate the people that

are brain washed thinking everything the Government tells them is true.


My question is can anyone can help me write up a Document for the facts on Marijuana?

To produce to even the smartest of Government manipulators.

The Document must have reliable sources. Lovechild could you help?

I would like to go in there and pull out the big guns and show them the truth!


We all need to stick together.

All Help appreciated.


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Mattick, start a new Thread man Im sure theirs people that can help you here.


Problem is people believe want they want. Some in aliens some in God, theirs no proof of either yet u could never convince them otherwise.


Im pessimistic but be strong and maybe if you get a good list of facts n sources going u can convince some of them.

Its the intelligent people who you should be trying to convince not the others, else it will be like banging ya head against a brick wall.

Me and a mate got caught with a quart. a stick was mine and rest was his, all we got was a warning slip, My criminal record is still crystal clean.


More power to you bro.

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ive always argued that it isnt addictive... no more than video games are addictive.. or TV for instance... i guess if u really really like doing something and all of a sudden u cant do it.. there are definitely side effects.. but ive neverexperience physical symptoms like sweating... just mental side effects like...... wanting to kill people... not much...
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Interesting topic...

I smoke 2-3g a day.

I sweat heaps when I'm smoking & up to a few weeks after I stop. Tobacco seems to be the major one for me. (I highly recommend "Champix".)

I know a Sheila who's got a good perspective on the sweats. Body saturation. Your body tries to sweat out all the extras.

5g a day is pretty heavy & I would highly recommend cutting down or a big dose of Valium & cut them down over a week or 2.


If you're going to keep smoking & you know you're going to sweat then sleep in the raw with your window open/aircon on. :)


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