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Withdrawal sweating

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THANKS Crunchy!

I feel that dreaming annoys the shit out of me its almost although i'm awake!


yeh it'll be like that for the first few days or a week or so. Im only guessing here, but the length of increased REM activity could be related to the length and quantity consumed during ur cannabis binge. if the theory that REM sleep is the time that the brain converts short term memory to long term, which is also why you probably see elements of the days prior to the dream in the dream, dreams could be the brains way of committing images and events to long term memory, by reinforcing elements of those memories in the dream. So maybe these intense vivid dreams are just your brain trying to process A LOT of short term memory.



and thank you Fibrofeend, the only reason i tried to sell it so much in the first post of that thread, :D, is just cos i wanted everyone to read it, the information in it could be life changing for some.








note to reader: i was so baked when i wrote this, i actually wrote another 4 paragraphs on other theories n stuff, lmao, but they weren't as 'to the point' and believable (and rational) as the above.

Edited by Crunchy
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Woe, it's not just the hiv bug that gives you night sweats..


Could be cancer..


But more possibly you've got too many bed clothes, or could be getting a simple infection.

Do you take any other drugs, like anti ds, or even aspirin?


I've had sweats from dreams which work the other way round to the rem theory discussed here.

Ones that play back long term memories vividly through new short term ones.


I really don't believe you don't dream using cannabis. Still dream, they're just dulled and not as memorable after waking.

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Whats with the no no......just cause u come off it ok tells me u aint smoke enough :D, get 4gs plus up ya a day n i bet at very least u get cranky when going without.

:D Its true that I don't smoke 4gs per day, not even close but I used to smoke that much, and I have gone from that much to nothing and still didn't experience withdrawl. The only symptoms I experienced were a couple of nights it was hard to get to sleep. Cannabis can be psychologically addictive but not physically.


Just because you give up and notice you are sweating does not mean one causes the other. :D (I like the nono and don't often get the chance ot use it)

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mullaway I do not take any pills at all nothing wrong with me im not sick no virus.

I only smoke weed!

freddie your talking shit go pull ur dick somewhere else its obvious the sweats are from not smoking are you me no your NOT you must be a retard I said it only happens when i stop smoking yeh it might be REM creatin sweats but really its all because i'm not smoking cause if i was smoking then I wouldn't have the sweats and thats a fact...

oh yeh freddie your weed back then was not as potent as the stuff ive been smoking even if you think it was IT WASN'T!

%of thc in the buds i smoked averaged at 15% to 18% Your weed if you were lucky maybe 10% so you wouldn't get the sweats you can talk yourself up all you want but I no your a hypocrite one day you will look back and think wow Mattick is telling the truth...


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OK Im off to bed will let everyone know how it goes I stayed awake for over 24hrs so I can reach all different stages of sleep im going to film myself throughout the sleep also will record heart rate throughout the sleep I'm very tired im passing out as I type i will be sleeping in a constant 24degree room also have a fan to circulate air I will be sleeping in only boxer shorts anyone can help me with my studys any suggestions ect would be great!!!
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OK Im off to bed will let everyone know how it goes I stayed awake for over 24hrs so I can reach all different stages of sleep im going to film myself throughout the sleep also will record heart rate throughout the sleep I'm very tired im passing out as I type i will be sleeping in a constant 24degree room also have a fan to circulate air I will be sleeping in only boxer shorts anyone can help me with my studys any suggestions ect would be great!!!



yes i suggesta :D :D before bed :D


it keeps the sweets away for me!

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i just woke!

Tiny sweating of my palms and feet throughout the sleep.

Can't remember a single dream.

Feeling a little hazey from the sleep its although i feel a heavy liquid in my brain but i still feel like i had 8hrs sleep.

Just watched me sleep in a time lapse i rolled over 4 times in the first 30mins after that I stayed still.

My fingers were twitching you can tell i'm dreaming that was evident throughout the sleep.

My heartrate check failed only got a recordin up until 12mins then i knocked the sensor off so i had fallen asleep at 6mins 37secs into recording according to my elevated heart rate that is when my brain function changed it was obvious i had fallen into REM.


could marijuana be a shortcut to a open mine and easily processed thoughts as long as its in moderation with your life...

Just like the rastafarians believe it is vital for the brain.

Edited by Mattick
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freddie your talking shit go pull ur dick somewhere else its obvious the sweats are from not smoking are you me no your NOT you must be a retard I said it only happens when i stop smoking yeh it might be REM creatin sweats but really its all because i'm not smoking cause if i was smoking then I wouldn't have the sweats and thats a fact...


oh yeh freddie your weed back then was not as potent as the stuff ive been smoking even if you think it was IT WASN'T!

%of thc in the buds i smoked averaged at 15% to 18% Your weed if you were lucky maybe 10% so you wouldn't get the sweats.

percentages are based on averages. I have always tried to get the best pot I could. some of the stuff I smoked years ago was much better than todays. IT WAS. How the fuck would you know what percentage THC gives the sweats? You have no idea when I gave up or what era I am talking about do you?

you can talk yourself up all you want but I no your a hypocrite one day you will look back and think wow Mattick is telling the truth...

No, I will certainly look back and think wow Mattick really was a fool, if I remember you at all, which I doubt.

just because you experienced sweating after you stopped smoking does not mean it is caused by that. And just 'coz you use CAPITALS it does not make you right.
OK Im off to bed will let everyone know how it goes I stayed awake for over 24hrs so I can reach all different stages of sleep im going to film myself throughout the sleep also will record heart rate throughout the sleep I'm very tired im passing out as I type i will be sleeping in a constant 24degree room also have a fan to circulate air I will be sleeping in only boxer shorts anyone can help me with my studys any suggestions ect would be great!!!

I suggest you send the results of your scientific experiment to the NCPIC. They thrive on science like this. They are sweating on it. :D

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What are the symptoms of cannabis withdrawal?


One of the most common symptoms of cannabis dependence is the experience of discomfort when ceasing use known as withdrawal. Studies with cannabis users who have recently quit report that withdrawal symptoms start on the first day, usually peak in the first two to three days, and with the exception of sleep disturbance, are usually very mild by the sixth day.


The most common symptoms include:


* anxiety/nervousness

* reduced appetite

* irritability/restlessness

* sleep difficulties including strange dream


Even though these symptoms are not life threatening, they can be distressing enough for the person trying to stop smoking cannabis, to start using again.


Hate quoting NCPIC but I was curious what they had to say.

So as you are now on your 6th day of quitting I suggest you see a doctor about your sweating because its not likely to be caused by cannabis withdrawl.

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