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Withdrawal sweating

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Ive got afew Questions on withdrawal symptons from Marijuana. I have not smoked for 5 days now I have noticed over the yrs every time i stop or slow down on smoking i get a cold sweat while asleep. ok i have smoked about 5 grams a day for the last 8 weeks now i've had 5 days off and wake up drenched.


I've noticed the sweat evapourates quicker then when i sweat riding my bike ect and also my sweat doesn't smell bad maybe the bacteria isn't eating the sweat..... but i wanna know what this is from?

Could it be the chemicals getting out of my system?


Whats up with the non stinky sweat is it the bacteria? Are they not eating my sweat and or there poo is affected by the chemicals coming out from my sweat causing those bad smells to disappear?


Does anyone have anything simlilar happen or could have an answer?

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Personally I think 5g a day is rather a lot...I'm sure though on this site there are those that won't think that at all...

So IMO whatever withdrawal symptoms are likely to happen, you're the one that's most likely to experience them.

I'd assume that like the effects of weed itself, the withdrawal symptoms change person to person? I've never personally

experienced increase/decrease of sweat on account of it. Trouble sleeping sure. But that was when I smoked.

Since staring to vape, I've noticed that there's next to no withdrawal/hanging out symptoms when I'm without it.

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Have never had sweating as a result of stopping cannabis, only a minor headache/tiredness for a day. Years ago when I was prescribed all sorts of painkillers after a bike accident I got sweats and whatnot from those. I was rather dosed up!


That said 5g daily is quite a bit and going from 5g to nothing would be quite a difference to your body. Definitely sounds like a "depends on the person" type thing to me.

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5g a day for 8 weeks down to nothing is a pretty big jump. Having said that, cannabis isn't physically addictive, so you're going through withdrawal from a psychological addiction.

'Cause it's psychological withdrawal, there's no such thing as a definitive list of withdrawal symptoms. Looks like sweating is yours. Mine is anxiety.

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