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Attempt #1

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yeah, thats what its turned into i think


i had a grub munch on my second in command (whom i named genghis)


just a small bite though they haven't been back for seconds and i moved them all to bigger pots.



regarding the little dwarf (ninja) the staking didn't reallly take.


i had a look at them a few minutes earlier and it had fallen again. i'm thinking the watering had caused a tad too much movement and thinning of the finer soil around the roots, i've just compacted the soil a bit more and ninja is standing proud

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update for all who were waiting on the edge of your respective seats


-sprout (the seed that cracked initially) had been identified as a sativa, growing quite well. had some problems i've cautiously diagnosed as over watering. older leaves turning yellow with upper leaves drooping. will hold back on this one a tad


-ghengis (first un-germed sprout) was knocked over by a careless housemate and "repotted" leaving exposed roots on a rather hot day.


this resulted in 80% of the leaves dying and a rather stressful time for me. was since repotted and its showing new growth. all is good aside from this setback


-ninja (the dwarf) kicking ass. i think the week in the light box promoted some strange leaf growth which helped with the whole photosynthesis thing (surface area=food production after all)


has a few sets of leaves, def. pot despite initial misgivings.


growing kinda strangely with no main trunk. kinda looking more like a tree despite being 10cm tall.




they have all responded well to the nutrients i've been using.

organic seaweed concentrate with nitrogen and all.


will update when necessary




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you can expect the round leaves to yellow, they contain your plants first week or so nutrients... after the nutrients are sucked out they yellow off. Same goes for at the end of flower when your flushing, plant sucks the nutes outta the leaves and tthey go yellow. just leave them, all is well, some pics would help out heaps.
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Hi jurrbs & welcome aboard the good ship OS.


DarkSpark ....you can expect the round leaves to yellow, they contain your plants first week or so nutrients... after the nutrients are sucked out they yellow off. Same goes for at the end of flower when your flushing, plant sucks the nutes outta the leaves and tthey go yellow. just leave them, all is well, some pics would help out heaps.


I think the teco correct name for those 'unseated' small round sprouting leaves is "Dicotyledon" meaning there is 2 of them as opposed to a single one which is "monocotyledonous".


DS & others are helping a lot with accurate info :yahoo:


j....how long should i be waiting before i harvest the stuff?


A minimum 6-8 weeks on a continuim through to 16-20 weeks - strain dependant & if you get that far.


Goodluck jurrbs :sick



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so they have been budding by my estimates for about a month.


here is a pic of the indica for you all to enjoy.


taken with my decidedly non-macro slr



i think i shall leave the plants alone for a half week and have a go at harvesting them next week


i should put some more pics up tomorrow if i remember

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also, dont suppose u have a full shot of the plant floating around do you? it looks more sativa to me (thinner shade leaves) so might need a couple of extra weeks. Do some reading on when to harvest to give you an indication of when its time to snip.


Good luck with it all mate :peace:

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Congrats on getting this far! Lovely to see a 'light hearted' attempt pay off :peace:


If you're not sure of the strain, etc, harvesting by trichome color might be the shot. That way, you're using the plant herself as an indicator of when she is ready, rather than some arbitrary number of weeks. Calyx hairs are a good general indicator, but the trichomes are where the real story is.


For a handy set of pictures, see:




Googling "trichome color" will give you heaps of other info.

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