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Yellowing leaves

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Ok so i had a thread about my plant leaves yellowing awhile ago there still yellowing an now it looks like its going to my next set up again so what i did just then is got it out of the small pot i had planted the seed in and transplanted it into my 45cm deep 50 cm wide round pot and i noticed it might of been potbound have of the roots where all the way to the bottom and side of the pot but none on the other halve of the pot i thourt mabey it was potbound and just not trying to grow into the otherside cos they where cacked up to that other side

anyway if it was potbound would it have caused yellowing leaves? ill lets u guys know in a week or so, if it seems to stop yellowing now that i have transplanted it.

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Hard to say it was potbound without 'how old', 'how big', 'what media' and 'how big a pot', but that info is probably in the other thread.


Dunno if everyone will agree with me but having a significant area of roots at the outer edge of your pot doesn't actually mean it's potbound. People may also disagree when I suggest transplant time is a good time to find out how rootbound a plant is, by breaking apart the rootball a bit. If the soil out of the old pot breaks apart easily and allows you to spead it a bit in the new pot (and media) you didn't wait too long. If hard to separate, due to roots tying it all together, you're late.

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