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My little girls are ailing and I'm at a wall


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have they perked up yet????????

after i applied the seaweed foliar spray that the leaves went a bit droopy?

are the tips of the leaf burnt?????????

is the new leaf droopy too?????


maybe the mix was a too strong

did you spray as recomended for folia spray???????

if so


well next spray at Half the recomended strength for a folia spray

or halve the strength of what you sprayed at

see if the like that better


there lotsa microbes pon the matket nowadays

do a search in google

pick the ones you think will be best for your grow

both grow and bloom microbes are available

you need to brew them up first

for 24hrs

then apply them to your pots


get a worm farm

fresh is best

worm juce or castings are fulla microbes

humus and compost too

irey guidance

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not good

yes the new growth is droopy and the tips are burnt
the mix is way too strong

spray with just water till the water drips off the leaf --->clear<---


like now

she needs to be seperated from the rest and go into intencive care


this will stunt the plant growth big time

the plant will recover

but it is way too expencive to run your lights that long

she may take 2weeks of genial fluros or outdoor shade

just to recover


do you have and more clones or seedlings?????????

i would consider replacing the dammaged plant with healthy stock

if her geens are worth keepin

nurse her bak to health

and clone her

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Well i spose i was a bit general, the newest growth like the small growth coming the tip is fine, what i meant was, alright the newest growth is coming out above the 4th internode and the leaves of the 4th internode are what is sligggghtly burn at the tip, i halved the seaweed amount and only applied a small amount yesterday, todays just been pure water and ill keep it on pure for awhile, stunted growth isnt really an issue because the seeds im using are bagseed from various baggies, the sick plant were talking about is no joke about 10cm taller than another one and 15cm than the smallest one, so i spose the time taken for it to recover will let the others catch up :thumbsup:
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yes tis strictly the new tip growth we need to keep a close eye pon

if you see sign of deformity, discolouration or wilt

flush and halve the mix for the next aplication


some tingz for you to consider

she still might not recover in time

she is taking up valuable grow space

the other plants will fill that space and yeild better

the bigest plants are often males

are you sure it is a pure female?????????

irey guidance

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