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My little girls are ailing and I'm at a wall


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Gday all, my plants are about a month old and they were doing fine for awhile until the bottom little sprout leaves began to yellow as did the first set of leaves (you know the ones that are serrated like true leaves but aren't multi-fingered like true leaves), then the tips of the first set of true leaves began to yellow and even brown a little, now all but the newest growth are yellowing at the tips and curling upwards with some of the leaves sporting yellow spots around the middle of the leaf, the main stems of the plants are healthy green but the leaf stems to the affected leaves are a reddish/purple colour. Now I've looked through countless guides and diagnoses tutorials but I can't seem to be able to pinpoint the exact problem as my symptoms, according to what guide i read, can be shared with problems ranging from deficiencies to over-fertilization to ph imbalance to heat stress :scratchin:, I just can't work it out, so I lay before you pictures of my girls in the hope that maybe here a wise soul can point me in the right direction, I flushed her about an hour ago and it seems to have made it worse, either that or my eyes are playing tricks on me, the yellow spots have become more obvious and pronounced. I forgot to mention how I'm growing, it's all under a 400w MH, potting mix w/ perlite, been watering with 5ml/1lt nute mix whenever the soil feels dry (top 3cm).




Please help me and my girl :blink:


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Hey ya mate, they dont look to bad but yer few little problems, i havent got much experience with soil but i think u did the right thing in flushing. I hour ur not gona tell much difference and things will probably get worse before better. Since u have flushed i would leave here alone for a few days let her dry out. And if that potting mix has a slow release fert i probably wouldnt feed her anything atm. Good luck n dont stress she wont die overnight on ya :scratchin:


look foward seein her in all her glory in a few weeks:)

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Hey Goobs, I think you may be over doing the fertilizing, there is enough in the potting mix to last for a bit, also couldn't see on the bag if it has slow release in it as well. Give it another good flush 3 times the size of the pot lift your lights for a few days so as the plants can have a bit of a rest and water when it is a little dry on top.


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Hi Goobs,


paulshop....Hey ya mate, they dont look to bad but yer few little problems, i havent got much experience with soil but i think u did the right thing in flushing...... tell much difference and things will probably get worse before better


gills ....Hey Goobs, I think you may be over doing the fertilizing, there is enough in the potting mix to last for a bit, also couldn't see on the bag if it has slow release in it as well. Give it another good flush 3 times the size of the pot lift your lights for a few days so as the plants can have a bit of a rest and water when it is a little dry on top.


Aye on the possible overfert but you caught it early .............. if it is 'overfert' repeated flush is the solution.


It is easy to check for mites - sap sucking "borg" (spider-mites).

check both top and bottom side of leaves using a magnifying glass

see in my sig there is a 'pests link' take a peak !


All the best - remember "soil as a medium that is forgiving" - it gives you time and things happen slowly in comparison to hydroponic grows.




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she is stressed

flush and

check the ph of the water comming out of the bottom of the pot


give her a K spray like liquid kelp <---------asap

never spray under full lights

strictly befor the lights come on

or after they go off


keep the grow room air tempeture stable and cool

oh and now she is vonerable

check for insect infestation every day while she is sick

irey guidance

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Thanks so much guys, alright so ive flushed the hell out of her, put about 4 litres of water through the pot, the pH reading from the run off puzzles me, its between 5.5-6, so it would seem the pH wasn't too off at all, ill let her dry up a bit and start just feeding her pure water for a few days and spray at lights off with some seaweed extract, if i were to buy a retail brand seaweed nute, would i use the directed strength, 1/2, 1/4? Cheers guys so much for your help
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Hey ya Goobs

Sounds a bit like the classic "killing em with kindness" I think we all forget what hardy little suckers these plants are in the wild. I recently had some babies about 20cm tall going along outdoors and returned home after a couple of days to find them demolished by half a dozen fat (And I think very ripped) grasshoppers ... Think they started having a nibble and got the munchies!!

Thought about smokin the grasshoppers but fed em to the chooks instead.

All the plants died :scratchin:

But one of the best nutrients I ever used was from a swamp... Natural compost from a fallen tree, worked as well as all the expensive products on the market. Hope you are successful in your quest to save the girls. We're all a bit like anxious parents in this area :blink:

May the Earth Gods in charge of hooter smile upon you.



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Ah ok so I'd be aiming for the vial to turn a light yellow/green rather than yellow/orange (i have one of them cheapo pH chemical reaction tester things :D) But yeah little update the yellow spotting is pretty much full blown hahaha, really over did it with her ;), but she still looks perky and the new growth is still powering on, which amazes me that one part of the plant can look so sick yet other parts look business as usual, but yeah I think "killing with kindness" as seahippies put it :thumbsup: is pretty accurate, just out of curiousity, as the back of the bottle says you should only apply the nute, 10ml/2l, every 2 weeks? so does this mean that I shouldn't use that nute water every time i feed? maybe keep two bottles, one nute water one pure water and use the nute water as directed or what do you guys think? Edited by Goobs
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