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Reccomended Strains for Certain Conditions:



This info is in no way 100% correct, but has been compiled with experiences with medical users.

Conditions Strain Additional info:

Menstrual cramps/ body aches/ Cancer pain/ other pain/ anxiety/ stress White Mr. Nice (White Haze X G13XHash Plant 60% Indica / 40% Sativa Happy, uplifting, good sence of well being, munchies

Lower back/ joint & nerve pain Sudden Impact (G13XHP X AK47) 60% Indica / 40% Sativa - 47-50 days flowering. not ideal for anxiety, forgetfulness, can lock you to your couch after 2 hits!

Lower back, joint pain/ arthritus Blue Keiv (AK47 X Blue Russian 70% Indica / 30% Sativa - 60-65 days flowering. Not ideal for anxiety, OCD/ADD, Gernal CNS disorders. up/clear, energetic high.

Back/ Muscular pain White Widow

Arthritus Matanuska Thunder Brothers grimm seedbank - 50-55 days flowering.

Arthritus/ spasms/ nausea Romulan Narcotic Stone, eases the pain

Depression Blueberry Sagarmatra's Seeds - 80% Indica / 20% sativa. Very relaxed and happy high. does not get you 'out of it'. minimal paranoia.

Strains with similar effects as blueberry: Cali-orange, Hawaiian, Super Skunk, Blue Widow and Hash Plant.

Kush A Step back from blueberry, Has good mellow energy and provides good relief. mild smoke. wont put you to sleep.

Cali-orange Happy vibration, a most pleasant experience. She has energy, but no where near that of Cinderella 99.

SugarShack 6th puff gets you a headrush, then a deep body stone. no paranoia.

Romulan Relaxing mellow buzz. Big warm blanket feeling, very relaxing, not too heavy.

Apollo 11 Puts a smile on your face and elevates your mood. not speedy or paranoid just happy.

Bubble Gum Modivational energizing, works on the mind, bulk of effects are cerebral.

Excercise! excercise for 30 mins a day can help depression ALOT!

Sleep Disorders Killer Queen BCGA Strain sold by Heavens Stairway, great for ralaxing and better sleeping. Very strong high, forget where you are sometimes.

Sleep Disorders/ Munchies Afghani Makes you feel like sitting around eating food. Good to toke on before going to sleep. Can knock you out like 2x4 hitting your head! (not painful)

Chronic Pain Master Kush X Chemo

Narvana X White Rhino Brothers grimm seedbank - Good for pain relief, just dont plan on doing anything productive.

M.S./HIV Positive/ Cancer California Indica


Super Skunk

Muscle Spasms/ relaxation Northern Lights #5 Great for Spasms related to M.S.

Bi-Polar Disorder syndroms/ menstrual cramps/ stress/ anxiety/ pain Double G Very cerebral and heavy buzz. very clear

Chemo Patients/ HIV/ Radiation Treatments El Peru 40% Indica / 60% Sativa - 7 weeks flowering. not ideal for anxiety, OCD/ADD/ General CNS disorders

Everyday life Jack Herer Up energetic stone, good for the whole day!


Additional medical info:


-HAZE is not for anyone with mental illness, nervous problems or that gets paranoid easily.


-AIDS Patients can NOT be exposed to ANY molds for fungi, so the product MUST be absolutely well cured and dry. Most AIDS patients prefer a more Sativa variety, for the 'uplifting' effects, and energy boost it can provide.


-Tinctures made from sativa cannabis are very effective on Strep Throat, and the variety seems to be preffered by immune comprimised patients.


-Tinctures made from indicas are effective on muscle spasms and various types of myalgia, neuralgia and nausea.


-Calcium Hydroxide & hempseed oil can be used as a treatment for burns, bedsores and other skin afflications.


-Cannabis is an analgestic. It can improve the effectivness of morphine up to 500 times at low doses, but only 10 times that for large doses. Can also improve the effect of NSAIDS (asprin, tylenol, ibuprofen, but can also do the job itself)



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Guest weekprik
Bubble Gum Modivational energizing, works on the mind, bulk of effects are cerebral.


is this accurate??? who can help me out with a clone from this??

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Bubble Gum Modivational energizing, works on the mind, bulk of effects are cerebral.


is this accurate??? who can help me out with a clone from this??


This info is in no way 100% correct, but has been compiled with experiences with medical users.


My Bubble Gum puts people to sleep if they get stuck into it but one of the problems for med users is that mj strains can effect different people in different ways and prescribed medication can alter the effects of the THC, so while boulder's post can only be used as a guide it is a good starting point for med users to begin their research into which strain suits them best, luckily researching mj can be quite an enjoyable pastime.



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i've been using mainly a B.C. Big Bud grown in N. Cali....called salmon creek...i have had vascular migraines for eight and a half years now, and grass was the oly thing to make the pain go away....i found this strain while at school at HSU, nothing else could compare to the releif i got from this strain...so i bought i shit-ton of it....and if ANYONE can help a brother out with a clone then it would but much abliged!
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cheers boulder, very, very interesting 


jeez mate Ive got nearly all those symptoms/conditions, I better get down to some serious conin, startin from now 



Aaaaahhhhh Mozz

::D: See ya next year............ :P I have actually found that AK-47 has helped me (rhuematism) quite a bit, when I can get it. Still trying to figure out exactly what strains I want to grow, can't bloody make my mind up ;) Shiva Skunk knocks me on my ass pretty quick.........so does Wite Wdow, so that's a keeper :o. I've found them to be pretty good for pain releif

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This is some very interesting info, IMO the different forms of THC must activate the CB1 and CB2 receptors differenent amounts in different parts of the body ie the specific THC analouge will activate one subclass of a CB1 receptor in one part of the brain to a different degree when compared to a CB1 receptor of a different subclass in a different part of the boby.

The problem from an experimental point of view is the inability to accurately id the different analouges and indeed 9-THC in biological fluids. Although they can be ID before administration a procedure desigen to ID the analouges in plasma would be almost a requirement to ID receptor binding affinity for particular strains. For more info on med use of mj:




US govt site with link for med mj use. Full link in GE mj thread.


It seems that reseach into which of these naturally ocurring THC analouges activates the receptors associated with relieving the particular disease state is the obvios next step in optimising: drugs derived from mj (like nabilone) or the use of particular mj strains But it seems from my understanding the only receptors that have been ID are the CB1 and CB2 (but I could be wrong). Therefore there is still a lot of work to be done before any1 can objectively say 1 strain is better than another for the average patient with a particular ailment. :D

BUT evidence like that posted above, however subjective is obviously the most reliable if the source and study conditions etc are reliable, but a good rule of thumb is publication in a reputable scientific journal, which does not occur enough.

Edited by syk613
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