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Barnett wants second chance for drug offenders

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PREMIER Colin Barnett has revealed he would consider quashing convictions for offenders caught with hard drugs such as amphetamines.


Previously Mr Barnett has said that as part of new drug laws he wanted to ``expunge'' records of people who committed minor crimes involving cannabis and did not re-offend, so they got a second chance.


But in the week of his Government's first anniversary in office, Mr Barnett told The Sunday Times that offenders caught with small quantities of more powerful drugs who did not re-offend could also have their convictions cleared after several years, perhaps five.


``If it is successful in the cannabis area, we would look at that (hard-drug offenders),'' he said.


``We're not wanting to make people carry lifelong records of a criminal offence for what I would hope would only have been an experiment, or an error, in some stage of their lives.


``But I want the message to be very clear, it is a criminal offence. You'll be charged, you'll be prosecuted.


``But if you stay away from drugs, then that (conviction) will be set aside.''


The Barnett Government wants to repeal Labor's drug laws which allow people caught with up to 30g of cannabis, two plants or a smoking implement to be given infringement notices rather than face criminal charges.


The Government would re-instate a cautioning system for possession only, lowering the threshold to 10g and abolishing the two-plant allowance.


Mr Barnett said the tougher cannabis laws, promised for last year, would be introduced ``certainly well before Christmas''.


But he confirmed that long-promised new prostitution laws would not be introduced this year, but rather next year.


The Premier was asked how the Government was addressing a lack of budget funding for major projects such as the Oakajee port and the Northbridge Link.


He said money for both projects would probably be spread over the next three budgets.


Oakajee was a ``complex and difficult project'' that still had ``some way to go'' and construction on the link would not start until mid or late 2010.


Mr Barnett repeated statements reported by The Sunday Times a fortnight ago that his Government would target anti-social behaviour in Northbridge this summer.


He said he backed earlier closing times for venues and there ``might be merit'' in bringing in plastic cups in venues to prevent people being glassed.


Other measures included lockouts _ where patrons were prohibited from entering a venue after a certain time _ and reviewing the number, placement and monitoring of security cameras; street closures for more pedestrian access; and more street lighting.


In some good news for West Australians, the Premier said he did not anticipate increased household charges until the next budget.


Author: Paul Lampathakis

Date: 5 September 2009

Source: perth now


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"The Barnett Government wants to repeal Labor's drug laws which allow people caught with up to 30g of cannabis, two plants or a smoking implement to be given infringement notices rather than face criminal charges.


The Government would re-instate a cautioning system for possession only, lowering the threshold to 10g and abolishing the two-plant allowance. "


Way to go! great idea! So you will still be able to have 10g on you...but no allowance for growing it yourself?

Can they not see how backwards that is....

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God I hate Barnett's government.


At the moment I'm only growing 2 plants non hydroponically so that on the chance I ever got caught I wouldn't do any time. If they abolish the 2 plant allowance you can bet I'm going to build a hydro system and use the spare room to grow as many plants as I can at once. I bet I wouldn't be the only person either.


Then when growers start to get so much bud they'll start to think "Hey I could sell this!" - this creating more dealers. Well done Mr Barnett!


Of course that's kinda unlikely but it could happen. I just thought of a new party slogan for Barnett's party. "Putting the WA in backWArds".

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You don't want to grow more than two plants cause they might put you in jail? :peace:. You must have a very bad police record. No one goes to jail for growing under the traficking amount of plants or having a personal amount of cannabis on them in australia.


I don't understand where you guys get this delusional fear from.


BTW fibrofeend, your not 'allowed' to have any amount of cannabis on you anywhere in Australia! Just like your not allowed to speed anywhere in Australia. But speeding is actually decriminalized, what I mean is you can get caught speeding 5 times in a row and you will only get a fine. All the fine based cannabis laws in Australia only give you one or two chances before they can charge you. So it's not actually decriminalized, it's propaganda!

Edited by jabez
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BTW fibrofeend, your not 'allowed' to have any amount of cannabis on you anywhere in Australia! Just like your not allowed to speed anywhere in Australia. But speeding is actually decriminalized, what I mean is you can get caught speeding 5 times in a row and you will only get a fine. All the fine based cannabis laws in Australia only give you one or two chances before they can charge you. So it's not actually decriminalized, it's propaganda!


:peace: gee thanks for the tutorial.....

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Barnett is a fkwit!! I like the slogan putting the WA in Backwards. You couldnt have said it better. But it is ok for mr Barnett to delist a heritage site for his own benefit.....somehow i dont reckon he will remain in power here. digging his own grave.

If america is unable to win the war on drugs, what fkn hope does barnett reckon hes got?? Good ol US of A quite openly has admitted that they will never win the war on drugs so now they are now beginning to try and control it better, if thats the word im looking for.

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The jail time might not be an issue but the criminal record really is an issue for me.

Maybe it is propaganda but I am fairly opposed to the principle of "recriminaling" cannabis cultivation and I bet Im not the only one


Actually jail would be a huge problem for me! I'm are free spirit like a wild animal, I'd rather die than be locked in a cage. Nor am I in favour of going backwards with cannabis laws.


What I was trying to point out (probably a bit arrogantly) is that the whole 2 plants and 30 grams law is completely floored. I'm guessing that most people would need to pull more than 30 grams from your 2 plants to work out your supply, so even if you are limiting yourself to 2 plants chances are the coppers will raid ya and you'll have more than 30 grams in the house, which will probably equal a criminal record anyway, since it's over the amount classed as simple possession.


Also in my opinion fining people for cannabis possession creates police harrassment of minorities. No one goes to jail for possession of cannabis in Australia and it's very rare to even get a criminal record for possession (I've never heard of it outside of Queensland), which makes it a low priority crime with a heap of paper work for the coppers, which gives them a insentive 'not' to harrass bong heads. When it's decriminalized all the copper has to do is write you up a fine, which gives them a insentive to look out for people that look like they smoke herb. It's happend to me everytime I've been pulled over interstate, they look in the back of your car and stare straight into your eyes to see if ya look stoned,trying to get probable cause, which in the end is only going to get more people busted who have more than 30 grams on them. In victoria you get 2 formal warnings for under 50 grams, so the cops just don't give a fuck, it's not worth there effort. Which in the end means less people getting into trouble for cannabis offences.

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