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Negative Effects of Prohibition of Cannabis

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Hi guys,


Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I just thought I'd share a small incident which happened today, in which 2 of my friends were caught by teachers at school whilst high. Now, they are facing trouble both in school, with their families and with the police. This is unfortunate as they are both intelligent and caring people who have obviously had a lapse in judgement in terms of appropriate times to be smoking ganja.


I am a vast proponent for the legalization of marijuana, however the likelihood of this occurring in Australia being virtually 0%, I would at least settle on the dissemination of useful and truthful facts surrounding the use of marijuana, and a greater social acceptance for its use. Being a fairly rational and level headed smoker, i have never allowed cannabis use to interfere in areas of my life where it could cause problems e.g School, work etc., however I realize that for some, the taboo surrounding the use of marijuana in their families, and the social stigma associated with it is so great, that they feel that if they would like to smoke it they have to do it in sneaky settings and in places where it could cause issues, such as before school when there parents are not around (of course marijuana usage should never get to a stage where it becomes a crutch which an individual feels they absolutely MUST use!).


This is the reason why I believe that honest information should be at least as freely available as the scores of propaganda our delightful government feels so free to spend millions of dollars of our taxes on. I'm not asking for some sort of pro-stoner mentality on behalf of the government (though that would be cause for some seriously celebratory bong hits) but rather an element of factuality and neutrality in its presentation of facts about marijuana, and perhaps there would be less cases like the one I have just mentioned.


Peace and love :peace:

Edited by BuffaloSoldier
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Thanks for the comment paulshop, just trying to get the some information out there, and it seems to me that those less inclined to the ways of the herb take you a bit more seriously if you make a bit of an effort to remain polite and well spoken (and if all else fails just bake them a few "Brownies" as a "TOKEn" of gratitude :peace: )
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I would at least settle on the dissemination of useful and truthful facts surrounding the use of marijuana, and a greater social acceptance for its use.


ive been talking with friends recently about this and ways to go about spreading factual and accurate information about cannabis to the public. it seemed to us like the first logical step towards leagaliseation but thats a story for another day....


anyway my idea was simple. letter box drops and leaflet handouts with accurate info on the failed war on drugs. the benefits of cannabis and to dispel as many of the ridiculous rumours on cannabis as possible. with as much publicised and credible info as possible to referenced so the leaflets cant be dismissed as stoner propaganda.


not very original but something i plan on doing in the next six months or so around Perth (and in my opnion its better then atacking krud with a giant J)


and as paul said well spoken for a school stoner i hope you stick around mate.

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To any potential activists in this topic


There is a cannabis activists section on this forum in case you are interested in working with other like minded people to change the status quo (no not the rock band :peace: )


Have a look here Cannavists, post any ideas you have and let us see what we can do with them...


So far we have managed with help to organise a Protest Rally in Sydney being held on Monday 7th and Tuesday the 8th September.


Rally specific info is also posted on this site ... http://cannabisrally.yolasite.com/

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letter box drops and leaflet handouts with accurate info on the failed war on drugs. the benefits of cannabis and to dispel as many of the ridiculous rumours on cannabis as possible. with as much publicised and credible info as possible to referenced so the leaflets cant be dismissed as stoner propaganda.


Great idea! A letter box drop is a fantastic way of getting information out to the public, however in saying this, think about how often you actually keep the myriad of leaflets stuffed into your letterbox? I think an excellent way of providing information for the public is through community broadcasting, such as radio, as it is a way to reach a larger audience than you would by releasing information in your own community (though this is still a great idea, every step counts :peace: ) As for the rally on the 7th, count me there! Perhaps this will be a chance to legitimately pass our concerns on the ineffectiveness of cannabis prohibition without resulting to cheap and intrusive prop gags (im talking about YOU giant J )


Peace and Love :peace:

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John Denver & Bob Denver

Both Smoked

Yeah? So what do people expect? If you think what you always think, and do what you always do, you'll get what you always get! Look at alcohol prohibition – but not for too long as you may find it hard to keep your dinner down! God loves simple people – that's why he creates so many of them. It's hard-wired into humanity to always make the wrong choices. Look at history with a vomit-bag to the ready.


Australia is the only English speaking country where voting is compulsory! The government actually forces arseholes to vote – actually forces them! The same pricks who say, 'Have a nice day' get the vote. Politicians the world over: same problems (regardless of history, language or location) and identical fucked up 'solutions'. But it's not a conspiracy! No fucking way!!


Most people don't know or care that just over one hundred years ago the percentage of Americans hooked on hard drugs was phenomenally high (no pun intended). Did society come asunder at the seams? Did morality trickle down the gutter? Was there crime and degradation? No!


A hundred years ago you could buy marijuana cigarettes through London newspaper advertisements and these were mailed to you!


'Get fucked!' I say. I proclaim it from the rooftops of the Citadels of Ignorance and the Bastions of Incompetence. 'Fuck You!' I scream with all the hard-nosed pent up rage of having to deal all my life with intellectual masturbators playing ego massage with themselves and their vacuous friends.


The truth is that humanity never learns anything – except how to suck!



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And laudanum was opium syrup I believe and prescribed for almost anything


My problem with Australia's political system is not so much the compulsory voting.. it's the preference system.


Voting I see as a responsibility of being a citizen.


People bang on about their rights all the time... I think they ought to also look at their responsibilities too.


*person opinion only*

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