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Preparing a Media package for Sydney Rally ?

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irey thanx and praize MadamePandora

yes forward ever

here is the plan so far


BIG JOINT to N*C*P*I*C on a H*E*M*P Party MemberShip Drive 2009:


It has been proposed that we take the Big Joint to the first National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre's First Cannabis Conference in Sydney, stopping at a couple of beaches on the way down. To find out more about the N*C*P*I*C click. As always, we want to bring awareness to the desperate need to END PROHIBITION and regulating medical cannabis as the obvious next step on the way to full relegalization. Do keep in mind that every move we make with the GOOD MEDICINE - LET IT GROW BIG JOINT is part of our ongoing and so far highly successful 2009 HE*M*P Party Membership Drive, and yes, the Big Joint will be accompanied by the POLITE FORCE.


Preliminary Schedule that needs much work on.


On a Friday September 4th, a "Cannabis Convoy" of unmarked POLITE cars and vans leaves Nimbin.


Saturday Big Joint, visits Dixon Park / Bar Beach Newcastle, a photo op and a "membership drive", not sure exactly what time the BIG JOINT will be arriving, sometime between high noon and 4.20 PM is my best guess.


Sunday Big Joint, visits Bondi Beach for a photo op and "membership drive", not sure exactly what time the BIG JOINT will be arriving, sometime between high noon and 4.20 PM another guess by me...


Monday Big Joint visits the Power House Museum, 500 Harris Street Ultimo. Assemble 8.00 AM, the POLITE FORCE in conjunction with the INTERPOLite will be doing a dawn photo shoot / live web cast starting at 4.20.AM somewhere in Sydney to be announced 'twitterishly'.


Tuesday, recreate the 1999 Drug Summit in Gov'ts back yard, all of the fine details ought be ironed out during the upcoming Friday meeting in the H*E*M*P*Bar.


For those who have come in late; Part 1. The Polite Force is becoming one of the most successful propaganda weapons we have ever assembled, how successful? Highly! If you can remember and if you were there, no matter where you went during MardiGrass 09, any time day or night, everywhere you cared to look you could see a POLITE hat or a member of the POLITE FORCE staging a succession of what where in essence, and by design, Avante-garde Tableau Vivants: Avant-garde means "advance guard" or "vanguard", the adjective form is used in English to refer to people or works that are experimental or innovative, particularly with respect to art, culture, and politics. Avant-garde represents a pushing of the boundaries of what is accepted as the norm or the status quo, primarily in the cultural realm. The notion of the existence of the avant-garde is considered by some to be a hallmark of modernism, as distinct from postmodernism. Tableau vivant is French for "living picture." The term describes a striking group of suitably costumed actors or artist's models, carefully posed and often theatrically lit. Throughout the duration of the display, the people shown do not speak or move. The approach thus marries the art forms of the stage with those of painting / photography. Each tableux capturing the POLICE - POLITE message, thousands and thousands of photographs of the POLITE FORCE have now become part of the public domain, the concept is out there and thriving on facebook and youtube, indeed the POLITE Cannabis Activists from Nimbin have already become a global phenomena and part of cannabis law reform legend.

For those who have come in late; Part 2. The plan is point out the POTential revenue that would be raised by the HEMP revolution, please keep uppermost in mind we are not talking about a government tax on home grown cannabis for personal use, we are talking about the revenue that will be generated by the hemp Agri business - Fibre, Fuel and Food. Hemp is stronger and requires far less fertilizer than, say, cotton; being naturally insect repellent, and having few insect predators capable of effectively attacking it, it needs little to no pe$ticide$. As food, hemp seed is right up there with the Soya bean for nutrition and a lot more versatile. Since Hemp seed is the only food source that has the vital Omega Acids 3,6 and 9 it can help reduce humanities reliance on fish, currently the main source of omega acid. I should also add that cannabis has a growing reputation amongst cancer patients as a wonder drug and it's 'miracle cure' reputation for breast and prostate cancer has been scientifically verified since the last time we took the BigJoint to Canberra. Another example? How about old growth Tasmanian forest being sold as wood chips for a couple of dollars a tonne. Irreplaceable forest for a measly $2 per tonne. If the government were to legislate a redeployment of the 'woodchip' industry into the 'hemp industry, within a few years the HEMPchip industry will be churning out high quality pulp and what's left of the old growth could stay alive until someone wants to pay its real value; $200,000,000 a tonne. Since a hemp seed is 35% oil, containing the highest oil percentage of all seeds, hempseed is ideal for bio diesel and when the sustainability of a bio diesel industry is compared to the unstable future of the oil business, case closed, I mean the price of oil has never come down in my lifetime, hemp based fuel could save Australia billions and billions of dollars. Still yet another example? Hemp is being used in the Ukraine around Chernobyl to absorb radioactive isotopes from the soil. That's just some of the reasons. Stimulate the Economy, cure cancer, save the trees and fish, reduce our dependency on oil and clean up nuclear waste........... I am not making this up, cross check all this info on Google.


Bottom Line? We do not want cannabis legalized just so we can sit around and smoke pot all day long, we have common sense reasons why 'out door' cannabis should be relegalized so that all Australians can benefit from this wonderful plant, indeed, from a global perspective, no other country on earth stands to gain as much as Australia does by relegalizing the hemp plant in this time of Global Economic Turmoil. We have the acreage, the sunlight and the willing workers required to become the earths leading supplier of hemp for Fibre, Fuel, Food and Medicine.


till next update....




Max Stone


thats from http://www.bigjoint.org/

finer detalts are still in process


tell everyone


ring local talk-back radio stations


send emails to the papers


we need your support in sydney<----like now

letz make it happen

visualize this---->20,000 good people outside the powerhouse

calling for cannabis law reform

we can dowit sydney

stronger together

forward ever

the people united will never be devided

irey guidance

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