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Stop getting ripped off with nutrients

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Fair question chuffer, short answer, NO, but u just have to take my word for it i cant prove. Im actually an agronomist by trade. As for the price remark my local store sells plantastic really cheap so the price is cheaper. Plantastic really was just an example, i was tossing up whether or not to make an example because i thought it may erode my credibility. I really dont know off the top of my head of anyother. But any two part with chelated micro's is the way to go. and make sure u choose nutes with solid plastic containers, clear packaging is no good as light can cause some ingrediants to full out of solution. Edited by GIY
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I agree GIY about the overpicing of canna and coco and similar brands: just putting less than a bucks worth of chemicals into a plastic bottle with water and selling it for a packet. What they are doing though is selling a convenience, and it doesn't help much that hydro shops don't seem to want stock anything else.

It would be a lot of work for comaparitively small savings to mix your own nutes from individual ingredients, but I'd like to find a shop that sells the nutes all mixed up and in dry form, so that I could add my own water.

Sometimes I daydream about making up my own hydro nutes mix by starting with a cheap ready-mixed all-round fertiliser, and then adding other stuff to change the proportions of the ingredients to suit hydro growing, what I would save would buy me a night on the town, or perhaps some packets of quality seed; but so far its just remained a dream. Anyway if anybody has tried this I'd be interested to hear how they went

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I read somewhere on this forum that someone grew two plants, one using COCO and one using CANNA. The one using CANNA yielded quite a bit more. Seeing experiments like that makes me stick with CANNA.



coco?? what do you mean? coco as a medium? a coco nutrient?

post a link to the thread you are referring to if you can...

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I read somewhere on this forum that someone grew two plants, one using COCO and one using CANNA. The one using CANNA yielded quite a bit more. Seeing experiments like that makes me stick with CANNA.


Spose some would argue that it is not indicative of the nutes used, plants could have ended up that way using the same nutrient, genetics plays a part, even between 2 of the same genetics, they vary.

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The price of ready mix nutes is one of the resons I have been useing bat guano tea for my DWC. A big bag of bat SH!T is cheaper and lasts longer. I still use some of the ready mix for a boost before flowering and cloneing but you cant have it all. The one time I tryed just Bat Guano I keeped having a mag. deficincy(SP?) and generaly sad plants. i could mix my own nutes but I have more to do then time any more. So I will settle with 20$ bottle of the "good stuff" just for the sake of time.
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irey whitekushberry

I have been useing bat guano tea for my DWC. A big bag of bat SH!T is cheaper and lasts longer. I still use some of the ready mix for a boost before flowering and cloneing

well here is a bit more you can have

suplements are a must for any DTY organic nutrients

most soils have deficiencies and the bats dont add any nutrients

they just process them

its actually the foods the bats prefier to eat that are high in P and K and low in N which is ideal for bloom


but if the soil that the batts food came from is Mg deficient

than the guano that the bats produce will also be Mg deficient


the simple solution is to suplement

and thats just what you did by starting off on a store bourt nutrients

irey guidance

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