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Rockwool or Diatomite

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id start your clones/ seed in rock wool this way they suit just about any setup or style of growing i can think of right now.


Bigger rock wool cubes have known issues when not flooded enough or no clay or perlite bedding for roots to really spread out. RW really limits you to a recycling maby flood drain setup not ideal in our summers unless your in a basement. Im going to recomend coco for its ease and consistant results year round running a big res will keep temps and feeds/ PH steady drip fed run to waste or not collecting the run off, basicly a automated handwatering type gig. Fill the res weekly and concentrate on growing the herb rather than worrying about floods, heat and root rot. Although i am a coco convert from clay pebbles back in the day...


Good luck spring growing shouldnt be that hard whatever setup you choose.

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SWIM's decided to go with coco, after talking to a few experienced growers it seems like the way to go. Also SWIM"s wondering if the new style lights are better then the old ones (old ones meaning light hanging vertical with the big round white shades or the new ones that hang horizontal and have the small reflective shades in the shape of a semi circle kind of thing). SWIM will be running 6 1000w lights.
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