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Why don't we create a nationalized cannabis law reform day?

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i love this vibe

we have allwayz been trying to spred Mardigrass out to a national action




the hemp embassy would love the mardiGrass to become a national action

we in nimbin have vowed to hold MardiGrass every year till cannabis is legal

this is the18th comming up

we will forward with or without national support

but we would really love to see some actions nationaly coensiding with MardiGrass


april 20th @ 4.20 pm?? .. would be awesome

yes i gotta love dat

and we would in nimbin would support you if youz deside to go with dat

we will have a local action too

april 20th @ 4.20 pm

irey guidance

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Awesome! Thanks for clearing that radic. I was positive that there only concern was to legalize cannabis.


I'm really kicking myself for not hanging around, I think there would be some amazing and dedicated people up there that I'd love to meet. As soon as I get a few extra bucks, I'll be heading straight back up to heaven in Australia, :D

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I know a band that may be interested.. from brisbane. They won JJJ award a few years back. I might be able to get in contact with them if needed. Pretty sure they'd love to show their support ;-)


My sister has some contacts in the entertainment industry too, but erm.. money is a big issue here guys. and I have no idea where to start.. other than following MadameP's idea of starting an organization - there's a thread here somewhere..

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If people want a united protest in each state on the same day, then the best way to organise it would be to get a national organisation underway first I think.


SO to do that we need to start with registering a state group then turn it into a national group.


I will put up a post in the activists section today stating the steps we need to take and LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS in each state to make this start happening.


I am sure we can manage to have an action plan for a national protest in time to have a united National Cannabis Day by the time April comes around .... IF people are willing to pitch in and help organise.


We are going to need people to liaise with ALL types of groups in the community at large to make this happen. Some of you may have talents for organisation within specific groups... Some may have contacts within the medical community for example, while others may have contacts with musicians, politicians, hemp farmers, alternative health businesses, etc etc.


To be serious, if we want a decent NATIONAL action day, then we ALL have to be prepared to bury the differences that have become apparent in some topics and work for a common goal.


Are you guys up for it ?? Prepared to stand up and be counted ??


I think it's time to get serious about the legalisation movement or be stuck with the crap laws we have now for a much longer time than the rest of the world. It's time for a change in my opinion.

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We should go for it dudes. I see a 13 year old falling into a coma on alcohol and yet they are having a witchhunt on marijuana. Not just in WA but Austalia and all over the world (proof? http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2009/06/08/2592359.htm ever seen someone go into a coma over weed?) and its seriously pissing alot of us off so we should show some real combined power as one. Australia is one of the major countries with advocates of cannabis so we should be able to show some real power for our cause.


Even those who don't care for the causes of cannabis must protest about the premiers lifting on the ban of uranium mining. CO2 levels may take centuries to reverse but it will take thousands of years to even half the radioactivity of the waste created as a result of Colin Barnetts "Yellow Cake". Its an off topic i admit but its causes are exactly the same, Our government must change and so shall our laws.

Edited by Toast
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