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Fan advice, its getting hot again

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: : but cyclone seem to know it all :harhar: first grow a brain cyclone, That why im a refrigeration tec an your not,just get ya shit together dude :peace:

Ahhh, so because you have brain damage, I can't comment on your post's

but its perfectly ok for you to comment on mine?

Don't forget YOU, without justification belittled my comments.

And being born with a mental illness is not a justification,

nor is being drunk when you kill somebody.


Have a little more respect for other people's comment's

especially when its YOUR fault if they cant understand YOUR



Love, peace and respect mon :devilred:



Edited by Cyclone
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I still reckon if the air being ducted up into the ceiling is not being exhausted out of the ceiling cavity then that is the cause of the problem. Quite often the simplest things cause a great big headache.


Gheco chill out man we are all in here trying to help, sometimes it can misguide people and causes some rancor. I too have been in the ref/ac industry for over 40 years and whilst your solutions have merit and I do not discount them we are all trying to help calman get rid of his heat problem. With little expense incurred. Unless money is no object to calman then he can knock himself out buying all the good shit to get rid of the heat. :devilred:

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Here ya go calaman,you can use No1 or No2 of the air/cons :devilred: post-30582-1252603642_thumb.jpg Hope this helps ya mate ,i have asked a few of my other refrigeration mates that grow aswell and this is the way to go they live in the tropics as well ,you can make you own speed controls if you like there are photos on how to do it i make them myself ,i would advise you to try out all the other ways to get your heat under control first ,go up into the roof cavity an see how much air is comming out your outlet duct then you will know if brich50 is write in what he recones, best of luck calaman :harhar: you will have to fine tune all the controls ,you can use 1 air/con but there is 2 difrent ways you can install it ,eg No1air/con or No2 air/con this come from myself an i have spoken 2 guys about the pic i have posted for you an there is no reason why it will not work for you :thumbsup:if you look in lighting & ventilation you will see the speed controlers I make they are cheap to make an easy. Edited by The-Gecko
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strictly ireyness Gecko

yes calaman

that plan will work and thats the way i would go


you could put a extractor fan in the roof cavaty to outside the house if you feel it neccassary

my vibe is it would help cool the whole house and thats gotta be a good ting

but it all depends on the design of the roof wheather extractor fans are neccesary


a good roof design should be able to deal with that amount of heat without extractor fans


irey guidance

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I asked before but noone answered but isnt drawing warm air thru the hoods rather than outside air going to run them even hotter?


I tried your dry ice trick for the lasty3days Rad. The girls seem to be dealing with the heatsomewhat better. 30$block only lasted 3days though. Fuck thatfor a joke! Anyone know wot small bottles of welding co2 go for these days? I know about 10years ago a small Gsize(I think) of argosheild, about waist high, was $52 plus bottle deposit. Buggered if i know anymore though.

Im going to give your advice a run Cyclone until I getall the aircon and fan installed next week, then Im going to blend em together with geckos and see how I go. Thanks fellas

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I asked before but noone answered but isnt drawing warm air thru the hoods rather than outside air going to run them even hotter?


The idea is you have more air, passing through each hood independently.

You are now sucking twice the amount of air over the bulbs and I would assume you are using the same ducting,

so the air is also traveling at twice the speed.


Or let me put it this way, if the air outside is 30oC

and the air coming out of the AC is say 24oC,

if the air is moving fast enough over the bulbs inside the hood, then your bulbs shouldn't be adding heat to your room.

so technically, you now have nice 24oC air coming into the room, and conditioned air over the bulbs should mean everything runs cooler.


I just finished a 2000w OH&S Assessment and explained that really bad.

But hey at least you have an answer.


Cyclone -

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Calaman the air from the air/con will make the air in the grow room nice an cool so when you draw the air through the hoods it will cool them down,you dont have to have heaps of air comming in to the room from the fresh air duct just enough to exchange the air in the room,put a timer on your outlet fan an a thermostat to turn it on an off if you would like to use C02,only leave ya fans off for about 15mins then back on again for 1/2hr all the time while your lights are on Co2 dont work at night time for ya plants,they cant use it at night time,the air/con will keep your room at the rite tep, the air from the air/con is being recycled for when you use C02,try to get proper hydro C02 from a gas supplyer,the Co2 that is use in berr gas is not every potent over here they have laws to stop you buying hydro Co2 dont no what your law,s are over there just find out,your main program is to keep that room cool an that diagam i did for you works a treat so good luck with it sorry it dont come with any garantee lol but it works for me so there is not reason it will not work for you ,the little rise in tep when you turn your fans off to inject C02 into your growroom will not hurt your plant any way the air/con will keep it cool for you dont worry calaman the system works thats all ya need to know, :peace: check the small photo avatar of mine thats the weed i grow an from the same system that i have posted here for you the weed on top of the Volcano, >:( thats not a stolen photo or someone elses photo it my photo an all that i have posted for you in the past few day works no bullshit just facted no lies from me i dont speek with a forked tongue you only get the truth from me,an im not brain dead as some would have you beleive. :peace: Edited by Dingo-2008
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Hi all - I've come back and you guys are arguing:-) ??? A couple of points.


To make CO2 powder ----- I got the formula from Glow so I had better credit him for it. It's probably the cheapest way to create CO2 gas


C02 Powder (Just add water)




Citric Acid Mono Hydrate (Purchase from food additive, chemical or veterinary vitamin suppliers)

Sodium Bicarbonate (Available through supermarkets etc)


OK, this one is dead simple. Add 6 teaspoons of citric acid to 3 tablespoons of Sodium Bicarbonate.


For larger mixes simply double, triple, quadruple the mix.


When you add the combination of the Citric Acid and Sodium Bicarbonate to water it will fizz and release CO2 gas.


Dead simple!


It works a treat - I made some and it is the same thing you can buy in stores (those little tubs for about $3.00 each)


And also (please no arguments please please please) the best type of fan configuration for optimum airflow is one fan drawing air into the room and another extracting it. Maybe I'm not answering the question right --- I'm a bit fried -- An extraction fan alone means that first a vacuum has to be created and if you have a 200L fan you'll really only be venting about half of this (sort of thing) as the fan works hard to draw air through holes and cracks. Anyway that's the theory and I know I run an inlet and outlet fan and it works a lot better than just an outlet fan.


And air cooled shades are great! Stay away from water jackets - they're terrible. I brought one once and the water blocked and the jacket broke and exploded my light. Hope this helps in some ways and hi again all



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