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The Police have contacted me about the RALLY ! HELP!

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dat is the reason why we have ploice leasion persons

if every one involved knows what to expect that we will all get what we want

the cops will tell we exactly what we can do with or without a permit

what is arrestable and what is not

then we wil decide what we wanna do and tel them so

that is it in a nutshell

the cops will send nuff police to deal with 300 to 400 peacefull people

they will only interfier if they is an assestable action spotted

if we tell them no one wants to be assested then they wont send any cops to do that

they will tell we where we can setup

and deal with all traffic including people walking in and out

we will not be alowed to stop them that is an arrestable action

we are not planing a blocaid

the cops will deal with noise complaints on the day and will want to talk to our police leasion people bout that too

be respectfull to dem

they do have a job to do and need to get paided

we are there because we belive we are right

we are not being payed

we are there for love

dont worrie

every ting crisp

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Thanx jabez,

kewl site

Most marches and rallies in Australia are held without any prior permission or authorisation from authorities.

They are simply political gatherings of people held on the streets or in public space.

There are many things that may be difficult to do without specific permission such as having stalls, tables, marquees, displays, vehicle access and access to power for the public address systems.
Most of the conditions that you will need to meet to obtain permission to use a space

are logical and appropriate conditions for well-planned public events such as first aid, toilets ect

Which organisation is calling the march or rally?


Which organisation will be responsible in the case of any legal repercussions?


that is Whose name will be on the form to seek permission to use a space?


will be responsible in the case of any legal repercussions

and that is why we do not ask for permition

we just tell them what we are planing

and wate for their responce

they will tell we stright away what we can do without fear of assest

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Just to add a little to what Mongy mentioned earlier. There's a protest intended for the Repco Rally Australia in Northern New South Wales on the 3-6th of Sept. Here's what one copper mentioned.




Sauce: Riot squad ready at Repco Rally


Keep it in mind folks. :wub:




Yes we have a senior copper making aggressive, confrontational remarks. However, I see his words as his endeavour to express that his duties are to ensure that the public comply with the law. He's likely on dubious ground legally, and he certainly won't be winning PR browny points for that, but I'd let it go; remember that some of the views expressed by members on this thread could appear provocative to the cops, even if that were not the intention.


Away now from Indyracing and back to our peaceful pro-pot party: it doesn't always come naturally to see the police as our 'friends and protectors', and at times they may well forget their role but we have the opportunity through prior preparation to ensure that things run smoothly. We can liase with them, communicate our intentions for a peaceful, lawful and constructive protest regarding laws we believe should be changed.


I personally find the application form for the rally-permit to be provocative and intimidating in its wording, and I certainly would not put my name to it without first seeking legal advice. However, I believe it to be very important that we satisfy the commissioner of our intentions for a peaceful, lawful protest; and that we actively seek the support of the police, and wish to comply with their instructions.


The more I think about it, the more I'm beginning to understand the importance of doing the preparations to keep the peace and comply with the wishes of the police. Our chances of winning support will be far greater if we can represent ourselves as articulate, focussed, law-respecting (after-all if we wern't law respecting we wouldn't bother protesting about mj laws). A well ordered rally, hopefully colourful and entertaining, with some articulate speakers; with good police liason during the rally so that the organisers can report any agitators to the police to have them removed. A good outcome would be at the end of the day, over their end-of-shift beers or whatever they do, the rally-duty coppers say things like "they were a nice crowd, no trouble", "wish all protests could be as peaceful as that lot". PR is everything: another day when those same coppers have to deal with rowdy partygoers at parties/nightclubs that have gotton out of hand, it would be good for drunken and other drugged folk to be compared with the way us pack of stoners conducted ourselves - puts our drug of choice into perspective and that's gotta be good.


Mediawise sadly the cameras like agro, they like to show it on prime-time tv, but that is very bad news for anyone trying to win support to change the law. It makes it soooo important that we get a good-vibe rally. I'm rambling, forgive me.


BTW if you've gotton this far, is anyone car-pooling or doing a bus from Melbourne? Buzz me if you have seats, I'll pay my way

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OK, problem solved.


The Nimbin HEMP Embassy are taking on the role of dealing with the police for the purpose of answering their queries regarding the Rally in Sydney.


They have my gratitude, I can't tell you how relieved I am that this will be as co operative as possible.


I am mailing them a banner I made today for use at the rally and for them to keep and display whenever they want.


check out the banner here : https://cannabis.community.forums.ozstoners...c=25540&hl=

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my experience with police is based upon the criminal aspect from when i was younger both my parents are police officers so i am the opposite you are probably better off like you say radic using a woman they get through more without making the police officers feel intimidated.


Only ever give the police the absolute minimum amount of information and never implement a single person aalways refer to youself or others as "us" or "we" or "our organisation" they dont need specifics ever they can find those out themselves from elsewhere

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woow you got the vibe bro

i feel you may well have nuff wicked experance to deal with it

crucial--->are you in sydney????????

if so

we would really apreciate your help

contact the hemp embassy speek to

Michael Baulderstone


51 Cullen Street, Nimbin, NSW 2480.


we will pay for your phone calls


i see your sig has a link to we site

you allready links to the nimbin sceen




we still need to find you a female partner

two police leasion people is best

you need eachothers support


come on sydney empresses

yes we can do this

do we have any volinteers??????????

who is up for it

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