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The Police have contacted me about the RALLY ! HELP!

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I probably wouldn't give them anything on paper but would be happy to give them some verbal confirmation that it is a peaceful rally anything put on paper can and will be used as evidence by police keep that in mind always they are not your friends even now they try to make you feel that way


Exactly, never trust the police they ALWAYS have a hiden agenda.

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thanx and praize LegalizeCannabis...

have you ever done this before?????



a woman is best for the job

however both can dowit

and we can have two police leasion people if we choose


there are some simple rulez to follow



never, never ask the cops for permition to do anyting

allways tell what we are planing to do

they will tell you if anyting that we planed is assestable or not

you report back to we

then we will deside if we want an assestable action or not

and again you ring and tell the cops what we are planing to do


so far no one wants to get assested



do not aggree with any changes they want to make

you must ask the group first and relay the answer back

they will accept that



be respectfull and polite

and dress straight


dont worrie

we have a right to voice our desent against unjust laws

they know this and will resoect it

they will even support our action if they feel we are right

everyting will be irey

because medicinaly they know we are right

and they suffer from many ailments too that cannabis can cure too

they have supported we against the gov forresty dept before

because we were right

and we are right now

forward ever

free cannabis

free the people

free the land

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I agree with much that has been written so far. Here's my 2 bobs worth:


Dont fill in the form, return it blank and explain that it does not apply as we are attending the NCPIC meet as invited. Say that at the moment there is no organiser or police liason nominee as such, but when one becomes available police will be notified. Do NOT put your name on any forms/emails etc, unless you are prepared for the police to assume by default that you are the official channel.

It would be good though to briefly outline the purpose of the meet (eg to lodge a lawful/peaceful protest against NCPIC's assumption that MJ use should be prevented) to stress that the intention of all people who have contacted you so far is to make their views heard in a peaceful/polite way), and to say that so far you have heard of no floats or animals attending and don't think that there will be any, but if there are then the police will be notified.

Perhaps suggest a small number for attendees (we can dream of the tens of thousands, but this aint the dreaming bit) I guess less than 1000? putting it as a 'not more than' should allay any fears police have of a huge 'uncontrollable riot' to which they would have to dedicate much tactical response stuff - we really do not want that at our peaceful rally)

May be good to add that no disruption to traffic is anticipated, if that is the case.


If, however, it seems that sufficient folk will attend to make a street marching rally that obstructs traffic, then it is important to have an appointed organiser/spokesperson/crowd controller with a megaphone, and then also to give police contact/mob num of official on the day, map of march route etc.


If anyone is going to be speaking to rally (with megaphone etc), they gotta stay cool and peaceful, not let agitators spoil the day. Have a nice wind-up, go in peace message. Thank the police for their support of our lawful protest etc.


Come to think of it, police would be happier if there was a representative they could deal with, happy police could mean succesful, non-aggro meet?


Finally, we don't want a rowdy mob or agressive/over-reacting police, so communication in advance is everything, keep it cool.

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we expect 300 to 400 people to attend

so far


we are not invited guests of the NCPIC

even tho we did ring and offer our full sevrices of the hemp embassy


they are aware of our intentions of a peacefull direct action outside

simular to what happened outside the lismore hosipitable when rud came a calling

our 10m spliff will be there too

the hemp stall will be there to hand out free info

by people dressed as scientists ans researchers or in suits to hand it out

just like inside the NCPIC confrience


irey guidance

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Yes, I cannot stress enough how much more advantageous 'peaceful protest' is compared to some wally with a bee in his arse attempting to incite riot.


Point on numbers, fine point at that. Rather than 'no more than' use 'we _expect_ no more than', whatever number.


and if some arsehole expects to get up on the day and begin leading the group they better put their hand up now and be accepted as spokesperson by the group prior to the event, meanwhile assuming responsibility as coordinator for any further such interaction, 'coz there's a surety of one thing: If some arse comes 'out of the blue' and starts telling people something on my behalf that I have not previously agreed to support I will ask the cops to deal with them (Stuart told the last person I objected to that they had a choice, move or get shot, he was joking (I think)).

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Just to add a little to what Mongy mentioned earlier. There's a protest intended for the Repco Rally Australia in Northern New South Wales on the 3-6th of Sept. Here's what one copper mentioned.


Deputy Police Commissioner Dave Owens, who was on the Tweed yesterday, said anyone who wanted to protest had to submit mandatory paperwork.


"We understand people have the right to protest and we will help them get their message across," he said. "However, if you step across that line and don't submit the form, all your rights are gone and we can remove you."


Sauce: Riot squad ready at Repco Rally


Keep it in mind folks. :wub:



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and basically, AFAIK, that's bullshit coming out of some redneck QLD sherrif's mouth.


There is a consideration about 'organised civilian rally' vs whatever this 'congregation of like minded people loosely affiliated with some other organisation' that is about to occur.


Not to mention 'deliberate and preplanned interruption of an officially sanctioned event' vs a few voices of sensible protest with minimal disruption to anyone's party/traffic/business.


Let's imagine our event was an 'officially sanctioned rally' and the antiMJ zealots wanted to interrupt it. Would you like the cops to stop them?

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