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My Super Pedro has 2 black lumps

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3 months ago i was given a Super Pedro cactus for my birthday.


For the first month it was sitting next to my window not really doing alot.


Over the last 2 months I've had it under my 400 watt HPS, over this time it almost doubled in size and its now just under 30cm.


A few days ago i noticed 2 green bumps forming at the base, this picture shows you what they look like now.


Any ideas on whats going wrong ?


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:bongon: Looks like the start of some kind of mold or fungus to me. How often do you water it. Cacti don't need much water. It's best to leave them till the soil is bone dry them give them a good water imo. Once a month, if that, is often enough. You will see when the cacti is using her own reserves of water as she begins to 'shrink'.


Peace MongyMan

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I've been watering it once a fortnight, so ill cut that back.


How can you treat mold and fungus growing on a cactus?


Interestingly the lumps grew over 2 days (at this point it was green lumps) then it took 2 days to turn black. If it was a fungus or a mold i would have thought it would have been black or grey from the start.



Whats with that Corroboree link its gives me a page load error ?




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This is common on tricho's, generally caused from high humidity and over watering.

just let your pedro dry out nicely before you water it again.

The black blisters should callous over in time and not bother you again.

Ive grown tricho's for over 10 years and to date and black spot has never killed any of my plants yet.

The trick with cactus is if in doubt, don't water it an leave it alone till you see some improvements.

All cacti are very slow to respond to any changes you make, ie: light, nutes water etc. take it slow and give things time to adjust.

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