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Weed Star

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I was looking on EDIT the other day, and I noticed Weed Star bongs. They look pretty nice, some of them have 7mm glass, and they're cheap too.

I googled them and it seems a lot of people don't like them, saying they're crap.

I was wondering if anyone on here has had any experience with them?

I was looking at the Messias Illusions Ice Bong, 7mm (when it comes back in stock)



People said the glass at the spot where it beakers out is really thin, but I can't imagine it being too bad.

Anyone with this bong/another Weed Star care to help me out?

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funny that you posted this actualy, iv got the standard weedstar slick rick (non ice) I bought it as it cost me $70 to my door with insurance and an extra "one hitter" glass bowl (don't even bother with the standard bowls, they are fucking HUGE, I could fit a maccas straw down the standard bowl that came with mine)



aaaaanyway, the reason its funny is that my bong was actualy broken last night, it was dropped on crappy concrete and the downstem broke (though I guess thats to be expected)


anyway as for weedstar, I can't comment on their higher end stuff as the slick rick is one of their cheapies but for the price it was good, the flaws were what I expected (one slightly manky looking glass join and a very slight ammount of movement in the glass joins (still air tight).


would I buy another? probably... thats what i'l likely do now, the quality isn't up to RooR standards but its a useable item, given that your looking at a higher price range than I am/was i'd recommend EHLE as another good company but their bongs are alot better quality for a little more; they however don't have carbs on their bongs.


[edit]: heres a pic of my slick rick before the downstem broke (sniff)



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Sorry it's been a while, I got the EHLE (no pic yet), and I've spent the last few month just smoking merrily out of that haha.

It's by far the most amazing thing I've ever smoked out of. So sturdy, so smooth, and the carbon filter I bought with it was well worth it. When I take a photo, you'll see what I mean. The bowl and carbon filter are thick with brown tarry crap, but below the filter is so clean it looks barely used at all.

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Excuse the Metallica poster in the background :wave:


It's an EHLE 500mL series with ice notches, all up I think I payed about $180ish off EveryoneDoesIt.com.


I bought it with an EHLE diffuser, Weed Star carbon filter and Weed Star One Hitter Bowl (all of those included in the $180). The reason for the new bowl was that the bowls I got with it were absolutely huge. (See picture #3)


Check out the colour difference in pic #2. The bulbous thing below the bowl is the carbon filter, and below that is the diffuser.

The Ice notches are worth it too I find. Because the bong doesn't have a carb hole (it's a pull stem style bong), you don't have to borrow about it overflowing as ice melts, and the ice REALLY cools it down. It works wonders.

Not having a carb hole doesn't really bother me either, as all it takes is a small pull of the stem (only need to pull it up about a centimetre), and you have a huge rush hole that helps you clear huge rips instantly.


I'd say it's well worth the cash...while I was ordering I also bought some extra carbon (not too expensive, but it needs to be changed once a week or so) and some hemp rolling papers, which taste much nicer to smoke than the regular paper ones.


After being sceptical of all these fancy bong accessories etc, now having tried them, I can safely say I could tell a difference between all of them.




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looks like im in the bong market again due to yet another breakage (friend broke my weed* so I bought a agung localy and the seal is fucked on it already :@) what size is your EHLEH? (100ml or 200ml?) I want a new bong but the weedstar was admittedly too big for me, I want something smaller.


[edit]: i see you took my advice on the weedstar bowl, I bet you were the bastard who bought it off EDIT and caused it to be out of stock! I didn't make an order because the W/S one hitter was sold out :@


err anyway, what are EHLEH's standard bowls like?

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Haha yeah that'd be me :peace: My mate was going to buy one too but it seems I got the last of their stock. Sorry bud.

The EHLE's bowl was pretty seriously big...it does NEED a glass gauze, but once that's in it works ok. I'd still recommend picking up a one hitter with it.

Mine's the 500mL series. It's (from memory) 38cms tall. The smaller ones are the exact same, just scaled down. The glass is heaps thick (dropped it off a table onto wooden flooring and it survived easily...lucky the stem wasn't in it at the time).

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Anyone got stuff sent into QUEENSLAND?

I'm after 1 bong+ accessories from Weedstar & illadelph & ROAR also want to get the new USB zephyr vaporizer also want to get a fancy custom 22hole downstem (bubbler CONE/BOWL) ash catcher and a removable twin perculator with a splash gaurd and ice pinchers... any help with advising me on how i should go about it will be appreciated...



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