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Agreed, use whatever poster you want.


Btw, you cannot assume anyone knows what NPCPIC is. Even I don't know what it is and im very pro pot. And you don't want to make people think too much. Keep it as simple as possible and you will get people interested enough.


Also I intended to get people who werent even pro pot to atleast join the facebook group or whatever. Cause then you can convince them its good lol


MadamePandora good luck with it!

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hi all


MP ....From my point of view you can select and use ANY poster you like...


If you like one of them better than the others then feel free to print and distribute it as you see fit.


I am happy to make up one with out the cannabis leaf in the background if you like.







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I'm On the mission in Newcastle! Tommorrow got Mum putting up poster's at the Uni. Will be plastering the TAFE soon.


hehe, I'm actually using two of your posters Madame. My reasoning is you may come across more anti-pot sentiment at the uni, where-as at the TAFE the pot leaf will probable garner most attention lol


First thing! definatley need to get some Hemp facts in there, now im not talking sticky icky :) , but rather hemp grown as an industrial crop.

Like for a start


Did you Know That the amount of C02 absorbed by a single crop of hemp plants will be enough to negate the carbon-dioxide created by burning the bio-fuel that that amount of hemp would create!


Also the economic benefits over cotton and soybean plants in the manufactureing of oils and fibres are immense.


Anothering interesting topic could be the water issue in aus right now, Did You Know that hemp use's 1/3rd the water required to grow cotton but produces the same if not higher yields.


Great job! Im definatley going to make it up for this. Bringing Mum too as she used to be heavily involved in the legalisation movment of the 70's, But now she too can see the negative effect those sea's of hairy hippies ( though very fun) were extremely detrimental to our cause.


Just wondering if you had anyone organised to talk E.G medical users,doctors,scientists etc...

My reasoning being that some more successful activists may not want to out themselve's as such, Because of the stigma some parts of society associate with pot ( i know, a very small proportion, but it still may affect some people's decision )



Oh and will you have HempFlax Clothes on sale? been wishing i could get some without paying ridiculous amounts! ( if anyone could let me know of a hemp fibre distributor in aus it would be appreciated)


Get onto that greenie crowd!


Much love,


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But it's on a Monday, i'd come but that's a work day. Could it be on a Sunday or something?


EDIT: okay, I can come until about 12 or something, then I have to go. I hope to see some of you there. How will I know who is who? Oh well. lol


So er, do we bring protest signs? Will there be a mantra? Is the event organised with authorities? Sorry it has already been answered, I just skimmed the thread after page 1.



Edited by eexpee
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