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hey radic.. not sure i understand you properly.. what did you mean by:


except the pos neg catz would be better for the ncpic releases pon the neg

and the pos side for the debunking the ncpic BS



also it was intended as another flyer not the back.. it is meant to grab people's attention to read it..

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thanx fo throwin in your support and pro guidance

gotta love dat


Neg side for ncpic official relaeses


Pos side for the studies that debunk the ncpic releases


for the back it would be wicked cause


we are not dealing with the public here

we are talking to activists,


they know the real effects of cannabis

dont insult their iq


each protester at the action is worth 100 voters in the eyes of the pollies

becuase the stats show that 100 people feel the same way but could not get to the action


this flier is a targeted towards activists

activists are very inteligient and well informed

they will read every word pon both sides of the poster

they will dig it


give dem what dey want


besides it more enviromentally friendly

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stick with the scientific research


THC is proven


Shrinks tumors<-------------------- Anti Cancer, and chemotheriputic


• Treatment for Parkinson's <----Anti inflamitory

• Treatment for Glaucoma <----small cappilerory dilatior thus lowers inocular pressure

• effective in treating pain, <---analgiesic

nausea and vomiting <---anti nausea


more crucial facts

THC is

anti addiction

anti psychotic

anti drepressiont


this list is not exorstive

there are plenty more


as for the ncpic side

get some of their media releases and quote from there


irey guidance

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The last poster pinned is my fav thus far. I agree with both sides re: the type of people who will read this poster. From an advertisers point of view we know that we only have a short amount of time to capture someones attention, so I like your idea of wanting to put two sides of the story on the face of it to draw attention. although, consideringg most people who will want to go to cannabis reform rally will already know the purpose of the rally so is it really necessary to put any info on the front at all??


Could it just read: Join us at the Powerhouse museum to continue the conversation on the hidden truths of cannabis use...


or something like that.. I'm not in advertising so I can't say what the best case would be, but as a reader / consumer whatever you wanna call me (just not late for dinner :wallbash:) I feel bored instantly by being confronted with a pros and cons list.. perhaps a short paragraph after the invite would suffice.. something like: Over the years certain organisations would have us all believe that marijuana is an extremely dangerous and deadly drug, but if we look at the proven medical benefits of cannabis use, such as ...., then we can see it is all a lie..


or something like that.. you guys are more intelligent than me (I assume) so you can prob come up with something better..


If I'm still in NSW by then I'll see you there. Do you think I'd get in trouble if I wore my old uniform from when I was a debt collector?? :wallbash:

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part of the problem with using the NCPIC propaganda against them is their wording is so vague it's hard to pin them down to statements that are short and easily refutable in the space available for a poster.


They seem to be commitment phobic :wallbash:


and here is a facebook group to pass on if you want to :wallbash:



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Hi peeps,


Dropped in to look at developments. downloaded, saved ....... checking my calendar.



seen so far nice development(s)

Respect Radic - choice ............. "Planta quae saepius transfertus non coalescit, or Saepius plantata arbor fructum profert exiguum" - a rolling stone gathers no moss


MP - do I look to you for a final "go ahead and publish" lol





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I would suggest to lose the leaf so as not to lose interest straight away in those that aren't pro cannabis. Also maybe something at the start like " Why hide the truth". As the other marketting guys will tell you on here you need something to catch attention and to make people think or you are they are uninterested before the even read the top.

" Why ban known safe medical treatments"

" Will all natrual herbs eventually face the same laws"

" We can't hide the facts so why do they hide the truth"

I'm not saying use any of these just throwing some heading idea's out there.

But I would seriously lose the leaf, and replace it with a bud.

Another idea is instead of the leaf ( i know u guys are on some time frames) but all the names of doctors and researchs that believe in this medicine in the background instead of a leaf.

Would rub their nose by suggesting that they have alterior motives by not including pro canna professionals. what do you guys think or to much work not enough time?

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From my point of view you can select and use ANY poster you like...


If you like one of them better than the others then feel free to print and distribute it as you see fit.


I am happy to make up one with out the cannabis leaf in the background if you like.



It's the same as poster 3 without the leaf.



I'd recommend those who are interested START DISTRIBUTING YOUR PREFERRED POSTER NOW........


If you want further changes ... let me know OR MAKE YOUR OWN and share them in this topic.....


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