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So this is the cupboard/wardrobe I will be using to grow for my first time :wallbash:.


The dimensions for the main part is...

Height: 139.5cm

Width: 80.5cm

Depth: 47.5cm


How many plants can I grow in this area (not SoG)? It looks like I could get two in at least but what about a third or forth?


400w hps or 600w hps? Does anyone have any online shops they would like to recommend.

I would rather buy a kit that includes light, ballast, socket and reflector.






Now for ventilation..


My idea is to create a hole on the right side up the top which leads into the other compartment.



Below is a view of the other compartment. I was thinking I could maybe punch a hole in the back as well and then have a desk fan pointing out the back at all times. Would that work well to ventilate?



I'm having some trouble deciding about the intake.. I wouldn't need an intake fan would I? just a hole? Would it be alright to do the same thing I did before to the top but do it to the bottom right?


What sort of paint should I be looking for? The type that goes on skirting boards (the more shiny stuff?) or the more matte finish paint like that goes on walls?


I need all the advice I can get :wallbash: Thanks!

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That area i wouldent go any bigger than a 400w and you can do 2 plants in there with ease 4 but cramped for room.


For air in take if going passive in take the rule of thumb is twice the size of ya of the out take using a fan, say u have a 150mm centrif fan for taking air out u will need roughly a 300m size hole for intake if passive but if u have active in take around the same size should be ok.


And for painting the inside u need flat white paint it reflects the best, hope i have said that so u can understand...

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hmm okay, so about double the space for air to come through than the space the fan takes up.

Are you sure that's right? I think I once heard it the other way around. I heard that the out take fan had to move more and leave the same sized hole or smaller for intake. I think that's so smell doesn't seep out from the intake. I think also so more fresh air is always constantly having to come in because the fan is pushing so much out..?


or maybe my mental physics is all messed up :wallbash:


Also.. do mother plants need ventilation to stay alive? Would it be alright to take cuttings from mother plant and grow it back up a bit with good light and air. But then put it in a small confined area with a 48w CFL until I want cuttings again?

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I grew one kickarse plant in a drop exactly that size and had two 2" passive intakes and a bathroom fan built into the shelf with two passive holes on the top back.


Probably the most inefficient design imaginable but it worked, and was fine in QLD Summer.


I would be inclined to install a cool tube in that space though and would use either an inline mixedflo or centrifugal fan.


Ensure you paint the interior with a mold retardant paint even if you do intend to hang panda etc.

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Probably the most inefficient design imaginable but it worked, and was fine in QLD Summer.


I would be inclined to install a cool tube in that space though and would use either an inline mixedflo or centrifugal fan.


Ensure you paint the interior with a mold retardant paint even if you do intend to hang panda etc.


awesome!.. Would mine be efficient enough if I just had a desk fan pointing out the back of the shelf (out a hole)? That way I don't have to do any wiring or screwing or any of that crap. It just makes it a lot easier for me.


With the paint.. I have some paint in the shed and I'm not sure if thats alright or not. I'd rather not buy more paint and just use what I already have :wallbash:.


Do any of these look good for the job?




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I'd give it a coat or two of that undercoat and though I haven't seen that pink stuff before the part of the label that says 'dries to a brilliant flat white finish' suggests to me it satisfies 'flat white ceiling paint' (which is what I've always been told to use).


'cept we did the garage in 'whitewash' (proper stuff, lime and fat), which is supposed to not only have high reflectivity but also anti-mould characteristics.

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haha. I know I was shocked a bit myself.


Okay so I'll undercoat it once and then use the trippy pink magic paint that turns white.


New problem.. seeds.. I'm pretty sure I want white widow as it seems quite popular and a good all over one (but you can suggest otherwise if you wish).


what is the difference between





There is over a 50% price difference.. which one should I get and why?


And with the desk fan not being good enough... ouch? they're so much cheaper than a bathroom fan :wallbash:. They obviously push enough air, what is exactly the problem with it?

If i do have to go with a bathroom type fan how would I go about fitting that? I don't even have a drill :wallbash:.

Edited by Immortal
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