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Do I have the chance to get swine flu smoking a joint?

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I am sick of receiving emails about the dangers of this flu...

Before I scare you off sharing a friendly joint the next time you are approached, consider this:

-After sharing more than 1000 joints (conservative estimate), I have probably only gotten sick 10 to 20 times from someone who knew (or found later) to be sick or infectious. 1% to 2% positive rate is not too bad eh?

Usually I flame up the end of a filter before I toke. This serves three purposes: to burn of any extra paper overhang that maybe getting resinous and better to make the joint tip dry to attempt to kill any germs looking for a new home.

O, yeah, if you are sick do not pass your joint. Do us all a favour and order your own gear. I won’t be upset or offended in the slightest: In fact, I may even buy you a drink...Yagermeister?


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I'd be more concerned about catching things like hepatitis or herpes.... but fire generally beats bacteria/viruses... always a chance that something will remain on the butt/roach though.


Saliva not so much, its the dirty fuckers that don't wash their hands after going to the toilet or coughing/sneezing into their hands and the like that spreads it easily...

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I'd be more concerned about catching things like hepatitis or herpes.... but fire generally beats bacteria/viruses... always a chance that something will remain on the butt/roach though.


Saliva not so much, its the dirty fuckers that don't wash their hands after going to the toilet or coughing/sneezing into their hands and the like that spreads it easily...

I wont share a joint ,, unless it is with someone I would want to swap spit with ! And doing that with another bloke is just not on ! I think it is disgusting ! Fancy putting some soggy joint in ya mouth that numerous others have had in their mouth :applause: And as has been said ,, who knows where their hands have been ? Scratching their balls , picking their nose ,, wiped their arse , just had sex with some skank that day etc ! YUK!


As for

but fire generally beats bacteria/viruses
that is NOT true ! A lighter held over the end of a joint is not going to eliminate all germs etc . As a tattooist , I know that the temp has to be around 120 degrees Celsius for about 2 hours to sterilize anything !


In this day and age , you cant be too careful ;) Too many diseases out there that can kill you lol

Edited by Closet Grower
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As for that is NOT true ! A lighter held over the end of a joint is not going to eliminate all germs etc . As a tattooist , I know that the temp has to be around 120 degrees Celsius for about 2 hours to sterilize anything !


In this day and age , you cant be too careful ;) Too many diseases out there that can kill you :applause:



The temp in the hottest part of a lighter flame can reach upwards of 1000°C.... but said "generally" as their is no guarantee you can kill everything that might be on the joint, specially if you just give it a quick burst of flame, flame would need to be on it for awhile to reach that temp.


I agree with you, you can never be to careful... and best not to share joints at all. lol

Edited by Wrangler556
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