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should i tip

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Tipping can increase the yield... it redirects all the growth hormones to the lower branches, and you end up with multiple main colas as opposed to just one, and you get a more even canopy/light distribution between the buds.



Bending or LST(low stress training) does the same thing, but it less stressful for the plant.

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smoke, I've delayed answering because my answer sounds like a pissing contest, and no, that's not the idea.


Maybe a side shot would give me a better perspective of the plants.


Some of the clones in my small cupboard look to be similar in structure, similar stage of development, but are more like 15-20cm tall. I'm going to LST them, as has been suggested above, but am looking to tip for clones and/or growth pattern (I'm aiming for short and wide) shortly. I'll probably let them develop another couple of nodes before deciding whether to tip then for pattern or allow the tips a bit of growth to take another set of clones.


With your plants I look at the development and think they would benefit from another couple of nodes, but then I consider that they are 25cm tall and think 'tip em now'. If indeed you do decide tipping is of advantage.


LST broadens the canopy without removing the growing tip and also promotes auxin (growth hormone) content to other than the primary growing tip. Left alone the main concentration of auxins is at the highest point of the plant, LST causes this 'highest point' to be shared by several parts, rather than a single 'primary node'.


Some people aim for a single 'primary cola', a good thick chunky bud, and many smaller 'secondaries'. Others think that by spreading the load around you get several smaller cola _with a total weight in excess of the single and secondaries_.


SO, the question of whether you should or not tip now is (at least somewhat) influenced by the 'growth plan' you have for the plant(s).

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because your plants are at some point of revegging there is no need to tip they will be bushy regardless of what you do.. if the plant was 100% veg and getting alittle leggy tipping would slow the main crown allowing lower growth to catch up giving a flater canopy or a managable Y wine glass shape rather than a christmas tree where only the main crown is in the ideal light range vs 75% with a flat but not crowded canopy.


without tipping is ok for veg less growing not so for yield in low plant numbers per light




tipped at planting 3 day veg and ready to final tip on day 1 flower.



a bit later after second tipping she has bushed out well to fill approx 50cm x 50cm x 50cm tall



a good result ready for flower 4x pots per 600wt light with minimal 1/2 week hps veg



a room full of tipped not trained plants,


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