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$100 for .5g of cannabis

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People need to educate themselves before they start making assumptions about why people up there are prepared to pay so much to get stoned.


Of course most of them don’t work, how the fuck can they!!! They’re stuck in the middle of the dessert with no prospects of going anywhere, living in third world conditions. What else is there for them to do but get high and the only reason they sniff petrol is because it’s so hard to get anything else.


BTW, I’m a blue eyed and blonde haired white man and I can tell you right now, FUCK white people! It’s all white peoples fault they are living the way they are we are nothing short of a disgrace, you guys have no idea how the cops treat them.

My brother has a few koori friends who have family who live in Arnhem land and he was telling me this story about how a copper pulled one of his family members over, as the copper approached the car she says to them “what the fuck do you want” the copper then punches her in the mouth (in front of her kids and everything) and then tells her to move on. That’s how they’re treated on a daily basis up there.


Also, how can anyone justify banning the kooris from using alcohol and reading porn? That in its self proves how racist we are towards them, saying us white people can handle it but the kooris cant, DISGRACFUL!!


BTW, people are always carrying on about how there all a bunch of alcoholics up there, well here is a little history for you. When white man first invaded Australia one of the things they used to do to control the kooris is give them hard liquor. The theory behind it was that a pissed black man is far easier to control than a sober black man. In other words it was us (white man) who created the culture of kooris just sitting around all day blowing their minds on the piss, so it is our responsibility to help them get out of the cycle that has gone on for generations, but instead we just sit around saying how bad they are and how superior we are.


Flood Arnhem land with shit loads of top quality herb and not only would the petrol sniffing stop but far less people would be killing themselves with alcohol and all the (alcohol induced) child abuse, rape and violence would drop dramatically.

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Flood Arnhem land with shit loads of top quality herb and not only would the petrol sniffing stop but far less people would be killing themselves with alcohol and all the (alcohol induced) child abuse, rape and violence would drop dramatically.


That's exactly what I suggested and get shot down as an ignorant fool because I'm not familiar with local growing conditions.


Last time I checked equatorial sativa's came from regions around the equator, pretty much the same growing conditions.

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That's exactly what I suggested and get shot down as an ignorant fool because I'm not familiar with local growing conditions.


Last time I checked equatorial sativa's came from regions around the equator, pretty much the same growing conditions.


:applause:, I didn’t shoot ya down brother, if it’s me you’re referring too.


I was just pointing out that growing their own isn’t as simple option as it seems. Plus I can’t be 100% but I’m fairly sure that they don’t really have private land up there, so if anyone was growing the whole community would probably know about it and the plants would probably quickly disappear, anyway.


Sorry if you thought I was having a go at you, it wasnt my intention.



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Have to say I agree with most points raised , even the differing ones ...

I don't see how being closer to the equator makes for less sunlight though :wallbash: how curious ... ?

ahem , anyway .. just a few points ...

Someone mentioned Kings Cross ... from some of the deals I've seen there $100 a gram (in $25 tiny baggies) is not too far off the mark ...

I wonder if it could be said that there is unlikely a shortage of the stuff in and around the Cities ... so that supply and demand is not the entire issue.

Sure I think the Government and the Cops , the unjust laws are to blame primarily for the Whole situation that is our fucked up society of greed ...

But to say that the "dealers" don't play a major part in this particular subject I think would be not well considering the whole of the matter.

Aside from likely conspiracies involving the authorities .. these "dealers" have the position to set a reasonable price regardless , It's for the reason of profiteering that they "smuggle" in supplies of course , I highly doubt that $100 a gram smoko deals are in anyway a compassionate or even reasonable prospect , no matter where or how anyone lives.


Given that I don't understand why the North only gets 12hrs sun all year round ... I'd still say growing it is by far the best option .. obviously , but this isn't always either easy or possible for some (or many) all around the country towns and cities.

So I do reckon that it is the oppression of the people that is of main concern ... If the people were freed to be able to live naturally (and grow their own no doubt) then the dealers would not be able to further the problem by taking advantage of the situation (and people everywhere will take advantage of the situation ... if the money is right).

Blah! , I'm too bent to be writing this ... almost enough to make ya [sic] I tells ya , the endless Lies , Corruption and Greed :wallbash:

Where to here from now ... :whistle:

Who Knows ...


aaand ... I've forgotton what else it was I was it else forgotten I've ... going to say ... bugger :faint:

Anyhooo , Cheerz :bongon:


Budamn :toke: [sic]

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. When white man first invaded Australia one of the things they used to do to control the kooris is give them hard liquor. The theory behind it was that a pissed black man is far easier to control than a sober black man. In other words it was us (white man) who created the culture of kooris just sitting around all day blowing their minds on the piss, so it is our responsibility to help them get out of the cycle that has gone on for generations, but instead we just sit around saying how bad they are and how superior we are.


Cant these people think for themselves ? They dont HAVE to drink Piss ! Or smoke the herb .


If these people are so proud etc , as I have heard in past arguments , why dont they continue to live like their ancestors did ? IE , live off the land etc . Instead they live off the taxpayer IE Centerlink , they live in houses , they take the whitemans drugs . they wear the whitemans clothes .


I once was locked in a single car garage with two Aboriginals , after having had a session and drinking with them ,being friendly , and they wanted to punch the fuck out of me and my brother for what happened 200 years ago .. I questioned them why they were living in a Housing Commission house etc and taking hand outs from US WHITE FOLK ,, they didnt have an answer ! Lets just say , they came off second best and called around to our house the next day to apologise .

My point is ,, people , no matter what race etc , have choices and shouldnt blame others ! So PLEASE , dont blame us for their problems . If anything , they have more oppurtunities than US ! Thats why there is a question on the application form for Centrelink benefits ,"Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait descent " Nothing on that form about being Italian , Greek , Irish etc !


AND NO ,.,I am NOT RACIST ,, I have a few Aboriginal friends as well as some Romanian , Chinese and others .


I also see SOME Whities that are sacks of shit and should be "culled" from the human race !


Fuck , that was a typathon !



Edited by Closet Grower
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Cant these people think for themselves ? They dont HAVE to drink Piss ! Or smoke the herb .


If these people are so proud etc , as I have heard in past arguments , why dont they continue to live like their ancestors did ? IE , live off the land etc . Instead they live off the taxpayer IE Centerlink , they live in houses , they take the whitemans drugs . they wear the whitemans clothes .


I once was locked in a single car garage with two Aboriginals , after having had a session and drinking with them ,being friendly , and they wanted to punch the fuck out of me and my brother for what happened 200 years ago .. I questioned them why they were living in a Housing Commission house etc and taking hand outs from US WHITE FOLK ,, they didnt have an answer ! Lets just say , they came off second best and called around to our house the next day to apologise .

My point is ,, people , no matter what race etc , have choices and shouldnt blame others ! So PLEASE , dont blame us for their problems . If anything , they have more oppurtunities than US ! Thats why there is a question on the application form for Centrelink benefits ,"Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait descent " Nothing on that form about being Italian , Greek , Irish etc !


AND NO ,.,I am NOT RACIST ,, I have a few Aboriginal friends as well as some Romanian , Chinese and others .


I also see SOME Whities that are sacks of shit and should be "culled" from the human race !


Fuck , that was a typathon !




Why don't you put your silver spoon down for a second and go educate yourself you fucking clown!!!!!!!!!!


What opportunities do they have living in the middle of the fucking desert in third world conditions where we put them WE gathered them up and forced them to live the way they are now, WE were the ones who told them they can't live of the land and have to follow our religion. We have destoryed the land so its no longer possible to live off it!


Its really easy to judge when your living like some fat cat silver spoon little shit. Have you ever seen the conditions they are living in? Are you aware that we didn't even start classing them as Australian citizens till after the 1970's. I know you didn't know that from the ignorant shit your talking!


You're either a racist or just plain ignorant. By making that ridiculous comment about them having more opportunities than us and claiming they could still live off the land if they wanted I'm guessing you're both racist and ignorant!


Go educate yourself mate, because you clearly have no idea.


BTW Budman, Everywhere on earth gets the same amount of sun per year it's just that the earth axis sits on a 23 degrees angle that's why we have seasons.


Down here in Victoria we have really long summers (about 16 hours) but really short winters (about 10 hours) and dramatic seasons, where up where you live I think it's closer to 11 hours in winter to 14 hours in summer. The closer you get to the equator the more it evens out till you get to the point where they don’t even have seasons, if you live right on the equator its basically the same weather all year round.

Edited by jabez
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Why don’t you put your silver spoon down for a second and go educate yourself you fucking clown!!!!!!!!!!


What opportunities do they have living in the middle of the fucking desert in third world conditions where we put them WE gathered them up and forced them to live the way they are now, WE were the ones who told them they can’t live of the land and have to follow our religion.


Its really easy to judge when your living like some fat cat silver spoon little shit. Have you ever seen the conditions they are living in? Are you aware that we didn’t even class them us Australian citizens till after the 1970's. I know you didn’t know that from the ignorant shit your talking!


You’re either a racist or just plain ignorant. By making that ridiculous comment about them having more opportunities than us I'm guessing you’re both racist and ignorant!


Go educate yourself mate, because you clearly have no idea.

"Silver Spoon ?? "I dont think so mate ! "Fucking Clown ??" Nah , not one of those either !


"Living like a Fat Cat silver spoon little shit".,, not me buddy ! You are the "ignorant shit" by making those statements when you know NOTHING about me . Maybe you need to educate yourself :whistle:


You resorting to name calling , just goes to show that you have very little education ,, I would even hazard a guess , that you would be one of those people that when they are losing an argument/debate , resort to violence/bullying to get your point across :wallbash:


You talk about them living in a desert ,, well , isnt that where they Traditionally lived ? :wallbash:


Instead of being the angry little man calling people names like a spoilt child ,, just accept we have different views and leave it at that :bongon:

The FACT is ,, our Indigenous people actually have more rights than us . We call them a Nigger ,, we get charged ,, they call us a Whitey , nothing happens . They get more help from the Government than us ! It's up to them to make the effort to make something of themselves , hell , they have more support than us from OUR Government ! Just the fact that the Centerlink forms have an additional question as to whether you are Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islander should be proof enough !


You can reply and call me all the names you want .. I have said my piece and that will be the last from me .

Have a good night dude .

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"Living like a Fat Cat silver spoon little shit".,, not me buddy ! You are the "ignorant shit" by making those statements when you know NOTHING about me . Maybe you need to educate yourself


Unless you grew up in third world conditions (like the kooris in arnhem land), you’re a fat cat silver spoon, just like me and the rest of us westerners!


You resorting to name calling , just goes to show that you have very little education ,, I would even hazard a guess , that you would be one of those people that when they are losing an argument/debate , resort to violence/bullying to get your point across


Your right I have very little education (left school in year 8, :wallbash:). But you’re wrong about the violence/ bullying thing, I have never used violence against a person in my whole life.


You talk about them living in a desert ,, well , isnt that where they Traditionally lived ?


Well, actually as it happens they used to live all over Australia. But the desert kooris could only survive by knowing the land intimately, but white man came and destroyed the land and broke the 50 thousand year old relationship they had with the land and so it is now no longer possible to live off it. It’s actually really amazing how they managed to do it even before white man destroyed it. Not to mention that we gathered them up and forced them to speak our language and follow our religion. So most of their knowledge of the land was lost anyway, so they wouldn’t know how to live off it anymore even if white people didn’t destroy it and make it impossible to live off. They had no written word so most of there knowledge has been lost forever, because of us.


Instead of being the angry little man calling people names like a spoilt child ,, just accept we have different views and leave it at that


:wallbash:, I do tend to act like a angry little man at times, but what you’re talking about isn’t a different view, its total ignorance.


The FACT is ,, our Indigenous people actually have more rights than us . We call them a Nigger ,, we get charged ,, they call us a Whitey , nothing happens .


That is total crap and just plainly a racist comment, which is why I got so mad at you in the first place. IF you abuse a koori you can be charged and if a koori abuses you he can also be charged. Stop making up racist lies brother!!!


They get more help from the Government than us ! It's up to them to make the effort to make something of themselves , hell , they have more support than us from OUR Government ! Just the fact that the Centerlink forms have an additional question as to whether you are Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islander should be proof enough !


The government has the responsibility to give extra help to people that are disadvantaged, so what. Are you jealous or something. We really have treated them like shit over the years and NO it didn’t all happen 200 years ago, we didn’t even start classing them as human beings till after 1973 and if you read my other post about how the coppers treat them up in Arnhem land you would realize that they don’t get it as good as you claim, in fact a lot of coppers up there treat them worse than they would there own dog.

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