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$100 for .5g of cannabis

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August 14th, 2009





POLICE say drug dealers are continuing to exploit residents in remote Territory communities by charging them up to $100 for a bag of cannabis no bigger than the size of a 10 cent coin.


Superintendent Helen Braam said it is just another example of the ongoing exploitation of remote Territorians.


"The alternative for a remote community family is spending $100 on letting their kids go to the show, buying them a new bike for their birthday or sending them on a school excursion - something most urban kids take for granted, and whose parents are not being extorted because of an addiction," she said.


"The flip side is the dealers are getting around in their new four-wheel-drives or kicking back watching movies on their $10,000 home theatre systems."


Supt Braam made the comments after a police road block on Ramingining Rd into Manigrida busted several people for possessing marijuana (pictured).


She said 106 bags of cannabis weighing a total of 41.1 grams was seized, six summons files were submitted and seven infringement notices were issued during the sting.


"Although the total amount of cannabis seized may be viewed as relatively small, the reality is people are paying $100 for a bag containing cannabis roughly the size of a 10 cent coin or .5 of a gram," she said.

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Heh even wollies charge more in remote towns, bussiness is bussiness..........if ya can get it y not


Yeah Woolies does that ,,, the big corporation screwing the consumer ! But it aint 400% !

I suppose you would be one of those cunts that would screw your fellow stoner by 400% :applause:

No wonder stoners are held in such low regard with examples like this !

I suppose you would be the one that at a cyclone site would raise your charge for some new tin or nails to extravagant prices to make a quick buck lol

No wonder I am losing faith in the human race with examples like this getting around ;)


If this post sounds harsh , well so be it ! I hate people that take advantage of others who are down on their luck , or have no other means to get said products . I thought Australians were about helping others , not exploiting them ! You can still make a buck without being an arsehole and ripping people off !

Edited by Closet Grower
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Yeah its pretty disgusting...and yeah business is business??.....whats that..the almighty $$$ breeding more greed again...

Whats even more sad about this is that the fucking cops take the piddly little bit of herb these poor bastards are forced

to pay through the arse for!!! There by making these SCUM OF THE EARTH dealers even better off! because of these peoples " Addiction " ( cannabis is not addictive alone) they will return next week to buy more... It would not surprise me if the Cops were in on a deal like that...something for everyone then...


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