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Going to Amstedam to start a new life?

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It’s true story: these are three talented farmers are perched atop pile of Amsterdam’s finest weed. This big bags of buds are their ticket to early retirement – or jail. It is not paranoia, the Dutch state has unleashed a high tech war against the cannabis industry which has a major impact on growers and consumers alike. AS an result of the Christian government’s cannabis crackdown, coffee shop prices in Amsterdam almost doubled in the past two years.

It’s impossible for growers not to be paranoid when the Dutch government has commissioned a company specifically to root out weed plantations. The private firm is called SEON.

They have the power to use devices like an electronic sniffer, mini choppers, mobile thermal imaging camera and so on.

Of course there is no one to stop. The unregulated nature of the cannabis industry means that coffee shop the contradictory cannabis laws-operating in the judicial Grey area which inspired the American coffee shop of the same name – and this is becoming more difficult.

Coffee shops are only legally allowed to have half a kilo on the premises at any time. If they exceed the 500g limit, they face immediate closure. They are also not supposed to buy weed in bulk, because that would entail unbreaking the law. This situation is so absurd that, when asked where the coffee shops sourced their weed, one shop owner simple gesture skywards, indicating that it fell from heaven.

The logistics are phenomenal...on a busy Saturday afternoon in the summer time, a popular Amsterdam coffee shop can expect to sell 13 kilos. That’s 26 deliveries of 500 grams, which is pretty much a full-time guy on a bike. If your coffee shop has a number of varieties (the Dampkring has up to 20) that might mean more than ten hashes and constant deliveries.

In the face of global recession, the weed industry remains buoyant. As a Paddy American delicately puts it when I ask if he’s been hit by the recession: our customers are buying on a different scale to the average person. In other words, the dealer’s never broke. That means, once the grower is never busted, Paddy Irishman, paddy Englishman and Paddy American are laughing all the way to the bank.

By: Brendan Hogan

Issue 3 - 2009 - Sof Secrets

Copy right Soft Secrets Netherlands

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im on my way you can have you bloody home among the gum trees iwant a home among the dope trees cunt



they ban it there then some other country will step up and take its place. why would they want to go backwards . the grower never misses out fools

?????? Gaaawd there's some fuckwits here. I've loved you longtime but not this post.

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