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UN body warns against underestimating cannabis dangers

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Posted Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:32pm AEDT


A UN drugs agency has warned against the danger of underestimating the power of cannabis.


"The international community may wish to review the issue of cannabis," the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) wrote in its annual report.


"Over the years, cannabis has become more potent and is associated with an increasing number of emergency room admissions," the report stated.


Cannabis is often the first illicit drug taken by young people and is frequently called a "gateway drug".


"In spite of all these facts, the use of cannabis is often trivialised and, in some countries, controls over the cultivation, possession and use of cannabis are less strict than for other drugs," the INCB said.


Indeed, many countries allowed the "recreational" use of cannabis and public perceptions of the so-called "medical" uses of the drug and its recreational use "are overlapping and confusing".


The agency also expressed "alarm" at the development of "rogue" or illegal internet pharmacies.


The agency said it had long been concerned about the role of the internet in the sale and distribution of controlled and uncontrolled substances and was aware of numerous cases involving illegal internet pharmacies.


While it recognised "that purchasing pharmaceuticals online can be beneficial, especially in areas where hospitals and pharmaceutical services are widely dispersed, (the INCB) is alarmed that 'rogue' pharmacies are encouraging drug abuse among vulnerable groups."


The report called for international action "to address the illegal sale of drugs on Internet pharmacies and websites."


It also urged governments to "stimulate" the controlled use of opiate-based painkillers to help "alleviate unnecessary suffering of millions of patients."


"Although the access to controlled medicines, including morphine and codeine, is considered by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to be a human right, it is virtually non-existent in over 150 countries," the report said.


"The WHO estimates that at least 30 million patients and possibly as many as 86 million annually suffer from untreated moderate to severe pain."




Oh Dear why do they warn against cannabis because of 2 already majorly floored reasons my god even the UN is in to Human Injustice it never ends. Hmm AFP that must mean Australian Federal Police if im not mistaken. They simply ignore the fact that iregardless of any dangers it still should be our choice to make no one elses.

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These CUNTS just don't stop do they?

I've spent the last 2 years watching someone I know deal with their Mental illness quite well by using Cannabis, this was after a full year OFF CANNABIS and being turned into a zombie by the use of prescription meds, the only problem she had was when SOME FUCKING COP FOLLOWING THE LAW DECIDED TO STEAL HER CANNABIS AND CRIMINALISE HER HEALTH PROBLEM. This caused her HUGE emotional distress AGAIN.

The Cannabis WAS helping, It helped her FAR better than the prescription SHIT

I have seen this with my own eyes. I have watched her slowly disintergrate again, slowly alienating everyone around her, now I have to go get her and deal with it AGAIN.

The cops won't be here to help.

That FUCKSTAIN who wrote that article won't be here to help.

The Mental Health system won't listen

I understand now, perfectly, why some people with mental illness suicide.

These people make me sick :peace:

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Well said Bufo



If we take "their" drugs then we are simply medicated. But if we choose a natural alternative we are drug addicts.[both doing the same thing.... using a drug for a specific reason, be it pain,anxiety, fun..ect]


I know its a waste of time picking it apart, its just full of holes but I just cant help but mention how they use the cross over of the medical use of a drug and the recreational use being a problem with cannabis[forgetting for the moment them denying any medical benifit anyway,sheesh] To do that is one thing but to then go on and suggest the use of opiate based drugs need stimulating by the government just beggars all belief!!


Its my only issue with the whole medicinal cannabis push, I cant think of one other prescribed medicine which is also seen as an acceptable recreational drug like beer. So on one hand I cant blame them, because I also agree with everything they stand for and I firmly believe from first hand experience that its a wonderfull medicine for certain things.

On the other hand it shits me how they lay claim to be fighting for your average recreational user. While on some level they are, even if its just to change the perception that it has no medical value and that when taken in moderation is not some demon drug as its made out to be. They also cant deny the fact that its a one way street and that the rec and med use of a drug has never and never will be accepted together, well not until there are fundamental changes to society as a whole[yeah exactly, not likely anytime soon] When you take on the med cannabis fight I think your also taking on the fight to prove a drug can be used for both recreation and medicine, which in my opinion is gonna be a tough nut to crack. If they ignore it and win the fight then rec users will just be maligned from a different angle, instead of using an evil illegal drug for fun we will be using/abusing a prescribed medicine for fun! and depending on who you talk to could be considered just as bad if not worse.


Not that it will ever stop me of course, medicine or demon spawn I couldnt give a rats hind quarters :peace:


At the end of the day, Im going to continue to take/use/consume cannabis for a number of reasons.....which if you put in terms of every other prescription medicine would see me using the same pill for back pain due to spine trauma and for anxiety/PTSD. And that same "pill" is also my choice of drug to take for the fun of it and for relaxation/recreational reasons. In the very same way your average drug squad member will return home after a hard days work fighting the war on drug users, he/she will sit back with a "well earned" cold glass of a beverage of some description, it will vary over the world but they have one ingredient in common....heh everyones favorite FUCKING DRUG...alcohol.


Well thats my little rant, the hypocrisy just astounds me

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