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Announcing the WINNER of the name vote......

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Just did some quick checking...


.com.au and .net.au

To be eligible for a com.au or net.au domain name, registrants must be:

- an Australian registered company; or

- trading under a registered business name in any Australian State or Territory; or

- an Australian partnership or sole trader; or

- a foreign company licensed to trade in Australia; or

- an owner of an Australian Registered Trade Mark; or

- an applicant for an Australian Registered Trade Mark 1 ; or

- an association incorporated in any Australian State or Territory; or

- an Australian commercial statutory body.


org.au or asn.au

Available for registration by “non-commercial organisations” only.

To be eligible for a org.au or .asn.au domain name, the registrant must be;

- an Australian incorporated association

- an Australian political party

- an Australian Trade Union or organisation under Workplace Relations Act 1966

- an Australian sporting or special interest club..



To be eligible for an id.au domain name, registrants must be:

- an Australian citizen; or

- an Australian resident.


cana.com.au, cana.net.au, cana.org.au, cana.asn.au are all taken according to this domain registry.

cana.id.au is available though.

I checked the international domains, .org, .info .net .com are all taken for cana as well.



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:bongon: From my way of thinking, we need to be a .org.au organisation to have credibility. I'm a smoker and .com.au says its a business to me (that means money) so I'm sure it also says the same to the people we most want to reach. Maby even though CANNA won the vote it's not the best option. Out of interest, what came second?



Does anyone else think a .org.au is important?


Peace MongyMan

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IN order the results were:




ACA 8 (ACA as a website is taken as the Australian Consumers Association redirects to choice magazine)


ACTR 6 (redirects to http://www.anzctr.org.au/Survey/UserQuestion.aspx)


CLRAA 6 **may be available http://www.clraa.org.au/**


DACCA 5 **may be available http://www.dacca.org.au/**


STOP 4 **may be available http://www.stop.org.au/**


ACCCA 4 **may be available BUT very similar to ACCA (aust chinese community assoc)


ACREC 3 **may be available http://www.acrec.org.au/


CRIA 3 **may be available http://www.cria.org.au/


NCREC 2 **may be available http://www.ncrec.org.au/


ACLRA 2 **may be available http://www.aclra.org.au/


CAAP 2 **may be available http://www.caap.org.au/


ACCA 2 (redirects to http://www.acca.org.au/tc/index.php?option...&Itemid=57)


CODE 2 **may be available http://www.code.org.au/


AACP 2 **may be available http://www.aacp.org.au/


AFCA 1 (taken as australian film critics association)


AAUP 1 **may be available http://www.aaup.org.au/


LCAA 1 **may be available http://www.lcaa.org.au/


CFA 1 **may be available http://www.cfa.org.au/




I'd also like to apologise for not vetting the names first to see what sites were available. I obviously should have considered that before running the vote. :bongon:


I am prepared to make a poll of the ones that are available out of the above list if you want to vote again.... but I'd prefer if someone knows how to check properly if those sites are available FIRST this time, other than just typing them into my browser I don't know any other way to check, but there must be other checks that can be done.


Oh for the record I agree with MM. I think also it needs to be a .org.au site.

Edited by MadamePandora
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^_^.. its some crazy christian site.. "In companionship with Jesus and inspired by His Gospel, we recognise the unique and mysterious value and beauty of each person." wtf?!? lol

so we goto the next highest with available domain? changeyourmind.org.au is available hehe :bongon: and still could be named CANA but idc about name.. is there logo yet?

just thinkin that probably wouldn't be allowed because the org wouldn't be called changeetc so you probably couldn't name it that? ahwell woops

Edited by dakratzman
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No logo yet until we work out the name issues.


Though the group name and the website don't have to be the same I guess.


Very true, there is actually no reason why the website has to be exactly the same as the name. I say keep the name CANA and start up a .org with an easy to remember address similar to our name. Some of the suggestions so far are pretty good.


canagroup.org is good

cannabisawareness.org is very good if slightly long..


I dont think it mattes much at the end of the day



Edited by bloodshot_eyes
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