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another rockwool guide

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That's what I've used to design my latest grow, but mine is slightly modified. I have a couple of NFT channels, 100mm wide x 70mm high x 700mm long. These make up the channels for the rockwool. I've used a base layer 1 rock thick of expanded clay to ensure that the block can drain properly, and the whole thing has been covered using panda film, to make a white rectangular grow box!!! I was thinking of using 3 clones a channel, as they are relatively short and my space is small. And these won't be grown in true sog, but scrog, with a screen for them to reach and spread out on... I wonder if the mighty t-boat :D might be able to offer his expertise in this? I'm wondering if I could use it with a recirculating reservoir, with a feeder tank supplying fresh, ph adjusted water to top up the res... I was thinking of increasing dumping to weekly to compensate...? Also, what kind of drippers do you use? Would just any type do? And how long are the watering times? And only one more thing, I promise, :D I've seen "Europonics" Nutrients offered on several websites as being a "growool specific nutrient", but I was wondering how much different this is from standard nutes? I mean, how much different does it have to be? And are there any other growool specific nutes out there? That an ozzie could get?


I know I've asked some of these questions before, and I'm sure everyone's getting bored with my harping on about it, but I'm really trying to get this going well, and I don't want to be wishing that "If only I'd got this, or did that, or made sure I checked on this..." :D Anyway, if you could help me out with this t-boat, I'd be most appreciative, and if by any chance any of you guys have done any slab grows, please chime in and offer advice too!!! Please?


Thanks a lot....

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