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Can somebody help me please

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Hello peoples i have bought a set up which includes a 120*120*200 grow tent 2 fans an carbon filters i am going to use canna coco fiber 50 litre bag In 15 litre pots with clay pebbles at the bottom with Canna A/B feed.I will be using 600w hps lighting i used a nft system before and it was ok but people keep telling me coco fibre .I know this is cheeky but can some1 please tell me if that setup sounds ok????? plus i need to know what ph levels an cf levels i should be running at??? please guys.I am using Blueberry seeds from dutch passion can i put them straight into the pots?????or shall i put them into rockwool and then transfere them into the coco fibre after a couple of weeks????so as much info as poss please temp nutes everything please
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That setup sounds pretty spot on to me ;)


I would personally plant the seeds in small peat pots first then when they outgrow them, transplant them to your big pots

(but you could start them in the big pots if you want)


I would start feeding them after they have formed their first few sets of leaves at a weak rate of 0.4EC and slowly increase it as they develop


Ph somewhere around 6.0 is what to aim for


Happy Growing, start a diary for them as well


Jimbo ;)

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hempiya...you can plant sedds directly into your pots but i would only advise that if u r useing fem seeds

if not then startem in eitha peat pots or 10cm pots with coco(betta)this way they will hapily grow in that 10cm pot for 3 weeks then you sex them ,the girls get planted in ya pots and the boys,u can ditch em or keep in pot put unda a sep light somwhere far away from girls and collect pollen when you make your 10cm pots or peat pot water well with miricle grow

then plant your seed that gives the seed food without damaging/burning tap root and remeber keep it moist not soaked

then at day 10-12 water lightly with half strenght seasol and then start them on 1ml @ltr of veg when you have sex sep girls and have put into big pots ph for big pots around 5.7-6.1 then slowly build up the feed

the less handeling and transplanting you do the less stress for the young girls,also if you r useing coco

it is run to waste right(should b if isnt)and for you feed ing will you b doing it by hand or automaticly if by hand 2-3 times 30 min after lights on @9hr mark and 30mins b4 lights off(to hard) if auto in 15ltr pots will depend on amount of plants as to times 30 sec-1min per feed run to watse 5-6 feeds ovs 18hrs and 3-4 for flowering....

it also will pay you to feed them au root repair at the rate of 1ml @ltr will avoid and stop all root problems

so you say u have canna anb for veg and potash for flower well this is wot else you may need

for vvveg feed with your canna veg AnB au root repair and nutraboost then your flower feed should be canna bloom AnB au root repair nutraboost for first 2weeks then start adding potash once cotton tops have started, remember to flush for a min of 1 week b4 you pick...there r alot of additivves out there that you dont realy need to use remeber to have airstones in both your res and your brain so you water is allways oxygenated plenty of fresh air and make sure old stale air is removed and replaced with clean fresh air and make sure tent is totaly light proffed and you should b on your way to some beatiful buds as ive grown DP blueberry b4 nice good luck



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Im glad you told me all that cos i thought i could just throw the seeds straight into coco fibre and just feed them plain water for a couple of weeks them start with canna coco A an B when i did the nft i used vitta a an b and dr hornby big bud thats it ;).I am getting paranoid about using a new medium like coco fibre better the devil you know and all that ;) but im willing to try new things just dont want to mess up my crop.I didnt buy fem seeds from Dutch Passion because i was told that if temp drops they will turn into males so my seeds are not feminsed just normal.

Can i use Dr Hornby big bud with bloom stage in coco fibre or is it no good?????or shall i use canna bloom at £50 ??????

really glad i joined this site cos every1 is really helpfull and could save me alot of headache.


Thanks every1 for helping me i really appreiciate it please send me as much info as you all can i love the input.....

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