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VOTE for activist group name HERE ! VOTE NOW ! ! !

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Here is the list of name suggestions made by the cutoff date in the previous topic.


It's a reasonably long list. I would ask that you read and consider each name before voting.



The voting rules are:


You can choose up to 3 names you like the MOST from the list and vote for them in order with your favourite first.


If you put down more than 3 names I will only count the top 3


You can only vote once


Your vote must be in by midnight SUNDAY to be counted


You can't add new name suggestions to the list


Please put your votes IN THIS TOPIC THREAD ONLY



ACLRA Australian Cannabis Law Reform Association


CLRAA Cannabis Law Reform Association Australia


CAFE Cannabis Association For Equality


CODE Cannabis Organisation for Decriminalisation and Equality


CFP Cannabis For Pain


CLR Cannabis Law Reform


NACLRA National Australian Cannabis Law Reform Association


ACCS Australians for Cannabis Common Sense


ASA Australians for Safe Access


LCAA Legalise Cannabis Alliance Australia


ACTR Australians for Cannabis Taxation and Regulation


ACA Australian Cannabis Alliance


ACCA Australian Cannabis Consumers Association


ACCCA Australian Cannabis Consumers and Cultivators Association


ACA Australians for Cannabis Awareness


CAA Cannabis Awareness Australia


ACRA Australian Cannabis Re-education Association


AFCA Australian foundation of cannabis awareness


CFA Cannabis Foundation Australia


AACP Australians Against Cannabis Prohibition


CANA Cannabis Awareness Network of Australia


NCREC National Council for Regulation and Education of Cannabis


STOP Sensible Taxpayers Opposing Prohibition


CAAP Cannabis Awareness Against Prohibition


AAUP Australians Against Unfair Prohibition


DACCA Democratic Australian Cannabis Consumer Association


Why the Law is wrong


ACREC Australian Council for Regulation and Education of Cannabis


C8 (Cannabis 8)




CRIA Cannabis Research Institute of Australia

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I really like CANA. I can't see any other ones being as awesome as that. we can't use aca as we would get confused with other stuff. cana sounds best as its like cannabis ;).


Yep no doubt it my mind it has to be cana, the cannabis awareness network of australia.


CANA Cannabis Awareness Network of Australia

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1. CRIA Cannabis Research Institute of Australia

2. ACREC Australian Council for Regulation and Education of Cannabis

3. LCAA Legalise Cannabis Alliance Australia


My goal is to see the words cannabis and Australia in our name hopefully , that way when we are ever spoken of anywhere they know we are aussies supporting cannabis legalization and research.. that's my point of view and my vote

Edited by LawnMowerMan
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