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Need Ideas on Control equipment

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Growtronix has just released his USB version, there was a reason for staying serial but the reason escapes me. As far as being 120V, you have 2 options. It will run off 240 volt no problems, you can buy those little plug adapters from ebay for about $2.50 that makes them plug straight into our wall socket, thats the cheapest and easiest was, or he can supply you with the board for the power injector and you can put it in a jiffy box and solder on your own 240 volt lead. I am waiting on a system now, hence why I know so much about them but I am just using the adapters, too bloody easy :bongon:


Also keep in mind the "power injector" that is used to switch components is the only thing that has the 120v plug, all sensors and so forth are all ethernet cable :D



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