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mr pootard, they are 19 inch pots which hold about 30 litres of clay balls - I use 'hot rocks' personally as I like the irregular shape - seem to stay in place when flushing better than the balls which can move around like a bag of marbles when moving the plant. I have the pots on small caster wheels so I can move 'em as needed


Many thanks to SPC for the genetics


nimer, the black rings are called 'hydro horshoes' & I got 'em from my local shop years ago. They are rings which sit about an inch or so above the rocks & have lots of small holes drilled in them to allow the nutes out. The idea being even distribution & also getting some extra aeration to the nutes before they hit the roots. I like 'em. They need a bit of extra pump power but are worth the effort in my book.


hey guys I'll add some more photo's of my system (brains etc) when I get the chance & also some more details on the rings. There was a www addy on the rings of wwwgullyhydro.com.au but that didn't work today when I tried it.


Will keep udpating pics so you can see results happnin.


PS here's a more detailed pic of my lucky horseshu:


Be happy


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Guest weekprik

mr pootard, they are 19 inch pots which hold about 30 litres of clay balls - I use 'hot rocks' personally as I like the irregular shape - seem to stay in place when flushing better than the balls which can move around like a bag of marbles when moving the plant. I have the pots on small caster wheels so I can move 'em as needed



I also was told about the hydroton moving around, but i think it will just strengthen the root system, and if your worried how about putting the balls in to a stocking and then into your system?

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