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ICM Amsterdam

Guest ICM President

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Guest ICM President

Hi Guys


I know a few of you from the THC-Ministry already, I'm just dropping the word about a new organisation that's going to give people even more reason to plan a trip to Amsterdam in the coming year.


It's called the 'International Canna-lympic Movement'


Please have a shufti at the main site www.canna-lympics.tk and let me know what you think.




Alan Mason


aka "The GanjaCat" >^..^<

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Guest New Server, more features.

Hi Guys,


Just to let everyone know, thanks to a partnership with the "Smoker's Guide...'" organisation the ICM has moved to a new, high-spec no-ads server and is now




We now have a portal, chatroom, newfeed, daily Java games, online album & many 'internal' goodies for your pleasure.


I appreciate that in the 'strict' sense of the rules, to 'up' another forum on this one is close to spamming, but as


1) We're trying to build something that helps medi-pot users globally &


2) It gives all you roo-strokers a chance to prove to the world you're the best & most creative tokers on the planet


I hope I can be forgiven.


Or do you want to see Australia at the BOTTOM of the medals table?

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